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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. If people don't want other people to know they're online, so be it. Doesn't stop mods and admins from seeing them.
  2. The Anarchist Cookbook contains alot of dangerously inaccurate information. Never attempt to do the things it says. Everything in it has better ways to accomplish the purpose, so look into the best ways, because the ones in that book suck.
  3. Ah but because of the temporal mechanics it doesn't say that you were wrong in the first place, it just says don't do it again.
  4. You were right to move the thread back then, but if you do it in the future you would be wrong, therefore since my comment applies to the future, and it was made in the past, and does not apply to the past, it stands.
  5. No. The site owners final decision was that such material is permissable, therefore my request that you do not remove such material in the future stands.
  6. Yeah but because he's a mexican, he can get into any med school with half the gpa/mcat/other credentials as non-URMs
  7. In this case it's the parents job to make sure their kid isn't playing with things he can't handle. Parenting is not the purpose of this site, and our target audience is mature enough to deal with content in a mature way. Furthermore, obtaining the required chemicals is not exactly easy for kids... and if you're able to get ahold of the chemicals, odds are you know basic safety procedures. Another thing, maybe he's asking simply out of interest. A while ago, I asked for information regarding organophosphate weapons, that doesn't mean I actually have the intention of trying to make them. We will not restrict information from the public. It is not our place to dictate what information is safe for particular people.
  8. Danger does not warrant censorship..
  9. Sayonara, in the future do not make calls like that. The thread was not specifically against policy, and restricting freedom of certain scientific information when not against the law is an administrator call. The restriction of access to scientific information out of fear it may fall into the wrong hands is morally abhorrent. Information relating to dangerous compounds may be freely discussed on this site so long as it does not violate United States law. This means it's perfectly legal (and morally correct) to discuss the synthesis of dangerous chemicals with only a few restrictions. For example, it's legal to post detailed instructions for building a nuclear bomb, but it's illegal to post information on where to obtain enriched uranium.
  10. That's a bullshit word. The proper term for fear of long words is sesquipedaliphobia.
  11. If 796,000 died in 60 minutes, then (assuming the death rate is constant), 13266.67 died per minute. So, that number * the number of minutes = 720000 (90% of 800000). So working it out it comes to 54.27 minutes. I'm not quite sure how they do it in your class... i.e. the answer will be different if the death rate is nonlinear (exponential, etc). As for the second part, molarity = moles / liters,
  12. Calling it predictable was also predictable... so what. I predict if one of your next few posts you will use the word "the".
  13. Yeah but realistic looking atoms don't make for good pictures.
  14. so stop buying them... they're bad for you. I hate people who think blowing their cancer stick smoke in my face is their god-given right. smokers should be forced to do it in private.
  15. Distill it and then run IR spectra analysis on it.
  16. I once crashed into them on a dirt bike... left a nasty scar on my knee.
  17. The picture says "From Sarasota County Sheriff's Office"... that's where I'm from Sarasota county is in Florida, not Georgia. Which would make more sense since I suspect the kin d of vegetation shown is alot more common down here...
  18. fafalone


    Yeah that error is happening from time to time. Generally it goes away in about a minute, but if it doesn't, try going to http://scienceforums.net (without the http://www.) We're looking into the cause.
  19. wouldn't you get HCl and NaOH?
  20. Clearly such misspellings warrant* a revokation of nerd status...
  21. So fucking take it off your rotation if you hate it.
  22. It's not exactly overhead, but its location is predictable and can be corrected for. It follows a shape called an analemma.
  23. Why not just buy HCl...
  24. You can all go to hell.
  25. Well then to defend my honorificabilitudinitatibus, I shall not make floccinaucinihilipilification of your request and express in a way befitting a sesquipedalian, that the root of my previous post comes from disdain of the antidisestablishmentarianistic government we now have and my own antitranssubstantiationalist views.
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