I for one don't think weaponized black holes should be tested anywhere near our solar system. An accident with one of those could make the nuclear bomb look like a cap.
But you have to consider the social interactions. A male psychic could manipulate women into loving him; and if this were coupled with a trait that would have otherwise made him an undesirable mate, the frequency would increase.
Also, someone with psychic ability would be more desirable to a large group, thereby also increasing the frequency.
Molecular movement is related to temperature; not state. The molecules in all solids are moving, and molecular movement only stops at absolute zero (0 Kelvin).
Even if they had gotten Lyta's blood sample, it's not likely they could figure out something the Vorlons did.
And isolating the gene responsible for a particular trait would require far more than 1 person with the activated version.
When considering a genetic trait becoming more common, you have to consider whether or not it will increase the chances of survival. Psychic ability would do this.
New features arising comes out of mutations, and all possible mutations have not happened yet; so it's still possible.
Standard concepts like there must be something smaller break down below a Planck length, where structures collapse into energy. Below a Planck, normal laws of physics simply don't apply, so you can't reason that a solid entity 1 unit across could be divided into 2 entities .5 units across; it would collapse into energy.
Some numbers:
1 Planck Length: lp = sqrt((:h:G)/c3) = 1.6*10-35m
Radius of an electron: 2.8*10-15m
Radius of a hydrogen atom: 5.29*10-10m
Don't tell me you're a NO or Neuropeptide-Y fan...
I chose serotonin because it's involved in behavioral and perceptive routines and some of the most interesting psychiatric conditions like synesthaesia and scizophrenia.
And the effects of the uncertainty principle and the influence of quantum mechanics, which at this point suggests pure chance or another antecedant for interactions?
If believing in something makes your life better, then by all means go ahead and believe it. But for me, pursuing the truth of the nature of existence makes me feel like I have purpose; more purpose than blindly accepting something.
I said I don't understand how anyone can believe in Biblical Creationism; that every species on Earth was created by God exactly as it now appears; i.e. no evolution. That's not what happened, period. I for one am undecided about God; "before" the Big Bang, we have no idea what might have happened. Also mechanisms of the transition from organic molecules to information containing, self-replicating molecules are currently not well explained by science.
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