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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. That's the chances of a whole protein molecule formaing; the building blocks are amino acids, which apparently have a much better chance of forming, since not only did it happen here on Earth, but there's compelling evidence amino acids are found in space.
  2. yeah well the 25,000th is more important, and it's mine.
  3. The estimated mass of the universe combined with how fast it is currently expanding/accelerating. The theory that there will not be enough gravity to slow the expansion down and bring it all back to a single point is on solid ground, with about as much credibility as the big bang theory... but no it's not absolutely certain.
  4. The 10% of your brain is partially correct; you can only use about 10% of your brain at a time.
  5. logo.sys
  6. take it off active topics at most, but it should definately stay so we have someplace to put all the pseudoscience crap
  7. and do what with pseudoscience threads
  8. fafalone


    I'm a 2nd year neuroscience major working on my BS degree.
  9. bump!!!!
  10. Tea time.
  11. Once I supercharge it and put a 150 shot of nitrous in it Trans Ams will not be beating me. No V4/V6 cars will beat a V8 mustang unless they're supercharged or turbo charged, like the SRT-4.
  12. Your camaro wouldn't stand a chance. And on the interstate, my radar detector will pick up a police radar 1-2 miles away.
  13. 2001 gt, stock for now
  14. Don't worry, Glider can see it here
  15. Well then, 99.9% of test takers should get that wrong making the question void if the test scores are properly normalized.
  16. On post 10: passing people is completely legal, and signs adviser slower traffic to stay in the right lane. There's nothing dangerous about passing people so long as you exercise good judgement. On post 32: My rear slid in only my lane; there was no one in front of me, after 2 seconds there was no one beside me. There were no entrances on the right, there was a median on the left. Completely safe. On post 36: All 3 lanes were empty, the cars heading my direction were at a red light, nobody was turning on to the road and it was another divided highway. Again, no danger at all. Yes, I do account for the unpredictable, that's why I go slowly if there's a situation where someone could jump out and do not try stunts when theres a potential for other cars to be near me.
  17. good ideas
  18. Because there's lots of vans parked right along an interstate highway. Please don't confuse fast driving with unsafe driving. In rare instances where a situation like that is possible (parking lots, crowded streets... but not highways), I'm not speeding more than 5 over.
  19. We're moving up in the world! 745,463
  20. Anoter pbreview guy... Contrary to the typical stereotype perpetuated on your site, many nerds do play sports; this isn't the 70s anymore. I play tennis.
  21. It's illegal in some states (5 of them), but if its legal in your state you can get them at circuit city/best buy/radioshack/etc It works simply by having receptors that are sensitive to radar waves in the frequency bands used by the police to determine how fast you're going.
  22. I live in South Florida. It's not that we don't have laws against speeding or that they're not enforced, I just choose to completely ignore the posted speed limit. To avoid getting caught, I simply use good judgement about where cops might be hiding, and also my radar detector.
  23. Besides, Einstein had a very high IQ.
  24. Professionally administered, normalized IQ tests are an accurate reflection of intellectual *capability*, online tests are crap and not even close to accurate.
  25. Story 4: Follow the leader. I'm driving out to Circuit City, doing about 80 in a 55 zone, and I'm flying past slower cars in the right lane. This silver Civic saw my radar detector, and pulled out behind me and matched my speed. So, I went faster. Knowing there were no cops around, he stayed right behind me. Not wanting anyone to think I'm associated with someone who drives a Civic, I take it up to 100 (still in a 55 zone). He's still there. I sped up some more, and at 115 he finally couldn't keep up. Needless to say I set a record going from Englewood to Port Charlotte in about 8 minutes (takes normal people ~20).
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