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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. Where's classical crossover?
  2. Les poissons, les poissons, how I love les poissons!
  3. That's half my red line, the clutch was fine.
  4. someone's on some whacked out drugs
  5. Today I fish-tailed in a U-turn; but managed to keep it from completely turning around and just kept going... used all 3 lanes tho.
  6. why's that? i wasn't even close to the redline or anything, and i haven't smelled clutch since the first time i was learning to drive a stick.
  7. I tip unless I receive horrible service. If tipping bothers you, then you SHOULD get the food easily through other means as you said. You're tipping them for bringing you your food and drinks, and making sure you don't need anything else
  8. Race got cancelled due to the rain... rescheduled for tomorrow night. Story 3: Weee! I was stuck in slow traffic for 10 miles, and I finally broke free. No sooner than I got out in the lead and took off, a get stuck at a red light. Extremely pissed off at this light, I drop the clutch at 3000rpm and take off; it's pouring rain so my rear end is sliding all over the place. I easily maintain control and slam it into second, same thing happens again. And again in 3rd. By the time I shift into 4th, I'm going 75mph, and have stopped sliding, so I look over into the oncoming traffic. Great, a cop! Good thing he didn't have his radar on... or see me sliding all over the place...
  9. sounds like fun. my plans for the next week are moving back to college and starting classes again :/
  10. What do you mean by "same"?
  11. We can never prove that they don't exist, all we can do is say there's a lack of concrete evidence for them.
  12. http://www.scienceforums.net
  13. Laboratory tests have demonstrated that other species (mice in the experiment I refer to here) turn to homosexuality in crowded condition at elevated temperatures.
  14. I'll ban him too!
  15. If you ever make a post with the word 'niggles' in it again you're getting banned
  16. I'd smoke blike's camaro
  17. What happened to our articles section anyway...
  18. I've had way more than 39 in a single day
  19. Second highest daily post count in ScienceForums history! Topped only on January 23rd, 2003 where we had 317.
  20. Yeah. That's about it too. I've only seen a couple other GTs around here... 1 cobra in the entire area... and nothing faster. ALot of the ricers have wings so big if you put it on upside down you could fly right off the ground. There's no one who will be able to challenge me tomorrow night... except the guy in the SRT-4 :/
  21. Because of the pressure.
  22. unfortunately the stupid are more likely to breed... you see alot more stupid women pregnant against their wishes.
  23. zardoz, son of Zarkov, has brought us the next revolution in science!
  24. Yeah but if there's rioting, there's looting. There's a few things I could use
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