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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. People frozen now were dead or very near death, wanting to be unfrozen when a cure is possible. Currently we do not have a technique that allows us to bring frozen humans back to life, although we can do it with several species of frogs.
  2. The edit button is in the post header (next to the time of post)
  3. But the passage of time is not governed by observation. If you fly a clock around the world, it will give a different reading than a clock synchronized before the flight... and it stays off after the flight.
  4. Yes.
  5. Why would a constant speed of light relative to observers cause time to pass more slowly?
  6. Empiricism is a cop-out.
  7. It's inadequate. Not only can't it fully explain gravity, but it can't account for relativistic effects, which are facts. And not just gravitational relativity.
  8. The inability of the Standard Model to completely unify the fundamental forces suggests that it is not the final word in laws of physics.
  9. Even if such an object existed, it would not be any use in "invading" a high security military installation. If you're so interested in area 51, why not get a PhD in aeronautics research, join the army, and work your way up to a position there. Sure, you won't be able to tell people whats going on, but at lesat you'll know.
  10. It would be highly unlikely that it would affect the absolute amount of time you lived. The biological clock is just to achieve peak function at optimal times, theres no reason whatsoever to conclude that it controls length of life.
  11. What about gravity, since this is an interaction between mass and spacetime; so how could a particle frozen in time interact with objects not frozen in time? (Gravity does not go away at absolute zero as far as I know.)
  12. Are you friends with Zarkov?
  13. Quantum mechanics don't prove relativity wrong. The theories are both generally correct, just not unified. Quantum gravity is a large area of research that is seeking to unify these theories. Furthermore, e=mc^2 applies to all particles, including those on the quantum scale and those without mass.
  14. It's unflavored grain alcohol ranging from about 76% to 95% (152-190 proof; by comparison most beers are 5% and most vodka is 40%), mainly used for making punches and other mixed drinks. I highly doubt its found that much in schools, because if not mixed it will burn like hell and probably make inexperienced drinkers vomit instantly, especially at 190 proof. If you put 190 proof Everclear in your cars gas tank, it would probably run. In fact, it's illegal in Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, and California, regardless of your age.
  15. See I was thinking your name meant some guy wasted off Everclear grain alcohol who thought he was an Indian.
  16. What's more interesting/scary is that you know that...
  17. http://www.tvtome.com/InvaderZIM/eplist.html
  18. Question - What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy? Answer -A puppy stops whining after it grows up. Question - What is the only thing worse than an incompetent liberal President? Answer -A competent liberal President. Question - Why do the male members of the Kennedy family cry while having sex? Answer - Mace. Question - Who was the first liberal Democrat? Answer -Christopher Columbus. He left not knowing where he was going,got there not knowing where he was,left not knowing where he'd been and did it all on borrowed money. Liberals are like seagulls: all they do is squawk, eat crap, and they are protected by the government.
  19. That impression is inaccurate, it actually is him. :/
  20. You Might Be A Liberal If... You think people who make above minimum wage are rich and should be taxed at 90 percent. Upon hearing that President Clinton committed a rape and murder as part of Whitewater, you replied, "So what?" You blame the Republicans for rainy weather. You think Hillary Clinton is, "A babe." You think George Stephenapolis is, "A hunk." You paid $500,000.00 for a beer keg once used by John F. Kennedy. You protested American intervention in Vietnam, but support American intervention in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia. If the years 1966 through 1974 are vague memories because of the effects of drug abuse. You are not shocked when someone says "F---" but are profoundly shocked when someone says "N-----". You think Newt Gingrich should be dipped in gravy train and fed to a pack of ravenous poodles. You think that a naval aircraft carrier should be named after George McGovern, but then you remember that one aircraft carrier could feed a million starving children for a year. Upon hearing of anything bad that has happened, the first thing you think should be done is that the oil companies should be investigated. You are against sexual harassment except when committed by Senator Kennedy. You think heterosexual love is a male chauvinist plot to oppress women. You think Al Franken is actually funny, but Rush Limbaugh is not. You ever proposed that cockroaches should be placed on the endangered species list. You ever drove to an Earth Day rally in a Lincoln Towncar, or a Ferrari. You object to little old ladies wearing fur, but not big, mean bikers wearing leather. You once referred to President Reagan as "that man in the White House." You think that the Unabomber "has a point. You think that Doctors should be made into government bureaucrats, but that lawyers should not. You cried out, "Where did I go wrong!" when your son or daughter joined the Marine Corps. You've felt compelled to buy the child rearing book entitled, "How to get your Children to Say No in the 90s When You Said Yes in the 60s." You think O.J. is actually innocent, but that Bernard Goetz is not. You don't go into a fit of rage when Barney is on TV. Or Pat Schroeder Or David Bonior. You are against prayer in public schools, even before math tests
  21. You Might Be A Democrat If... You vote Democrat because it's easier than getting a job! You think the rich can get richer off people who have no money. You've named your kids "Stardust" or "Moonbeam". You've tried to argue that all of societies problems are based on the fact that McDonald's, by law, only has to pay $5/hr. If you utter the phrase "There ought to be a law" at least once a week. If you have ever used the phrase "protecting prisoner's rights". If you find yourself nodding vigorously and saying "someone finally said it right" during an episode of Oprah. You call the execution of a homicidal maniac "murder" but call murder "pro-choice". You've ever referred to the Military/Industrial Complex during a conversation. You know you never laughed as a kid, the world was in just too bad a shape. All of your 1970's "Beware of Global Freezing" signs now have "Beware of Global Warming" on the back. Your friends told you how much fun you had at the Grateful Dead show, but your not sure what year you saw them. You file suit against the mall rent-a-cops for posting signs stating that your bags are subject to inspection. You've ever argued that "you can't legislate morality". Referred to the Founding Fathers as "those aristocratic, chauvinistic, lily white, slave owning, land stealing oppressors of indigenous personnel". You argued that a few more months of sanctions and Saddam Hussein would fold like rookie poker player. You know more than 2 people who have a degree in "Women's Studies" You've ever said "But look at all the good Ted Kennedy has done for the women of this country!" You blame things on "The Man." You believe that Bart Simpson only needs a little more affection. You've ever stared at a wall and said "Now THAT is definitely man's inhumanity to man!" You argue that the only flaw with Marx is that Russia was an agrarian society. You've ever called the meter maid a Fascist. You are giddy at the prospect of the return of bell bottoms. You argue that the Second Amendment only refers to Federally organized militias. You view Jane Fonda as a courageous heroine with strong convictions. You view Hootie and the Blowfish as the bedrock of culture refinement After looking at your pay stub you can still say "America is under-taxed." You've ever said "We really should call the ACLU about this". You've ever referred to "the glass ceiling". You know 2 or more people with "concrete proof" that the Pentagon is covering up: Roswell, the Kennedy assassination, the CIA's role in creating AIDS. You came of age in the '60s and don't remember. You've ever owned a VW bug or ridden in a Microbus. You own something that says Dukakis for President, and still display it. You believe it because "Dan Rather wouldn't lie about something this important". You ever based an argument on the phrase, "But they can afford a tax hike because..." You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "is a victim of Draconian budget cuts." You've ever argued that with just 1 more year of welfare that person will turn it around and get off drugs. You think Lennon was a brilliant social commentator. You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic category. You are outraged that Baseball Players make millions and the poor clerk at the unemployment office only makes 28 bucks an hour doing such good work. You believe that an elected official attending religious services is a violation of the separation of Church and state. You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but the defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree. You believe our government must do it because everyone in Europe does. You think that Al Gore macherena thing was a laugh riot. You feel that Green Peace is misunderstood. You keep your PC dictionary with you at all times so as not to offend. You think communism will catch on once society has evolved. You've tried to argue in favor of anything based on "Well, they're gonna do it anyway so....". You've ever stated "How does what he does in his personal life have any bearing on doing his job?" You think that it was outrageous that Nixon lied. But when Clinton lied to the American public, we shouldn't meddle in his personal life.
  22. blike again (4:35:28 PM): i am downloading a babylon 5 show right now fafaIone (4:35:36 PM): fafaIone (4:35:38 PM): best show ever blike again (4:35:45 PM): yea, i heard blike again (4:35:51 PM): which one is your favirote episdoe fafaIone (4:36:21 PM): the big battle by coriana 6 fafaIone (4:36:43 PM): but you should really watch it from the beginning of the 2nd season at least, otherwise you won't understand half of it fafaIone (4:37:07 PM): its one of the shows where if you don't know what happened in the previous seasons you'll be lost blike again (4:37:10 PM): thanks for the tip blike again (4:37:14 PM): your fruity faggot fafaIone (4:37:30 PM): ... blike again (4:37:52 PM): do you think i would actually watch that crap blike again (4:37:59 PM): you moron i just wanted to get a rise out of you fafaIone (4:38:02 PM): lots of straight people like babylon 5 fafaIone (4:38:07 PM): :/ blike again (4:38:11 PM): too bad your not one of them fafaIone (4:38:27 PM): k, ttyl. blike again signed off at 4:38:31 PM. [blocked]
  23. Like alot of psychological problems, there is both a cognitive and physiological influence, and each component can vary in strength. Problems like this are difficult to diagnose, so at the risk of malpractice suits and offending todays "nothing is our fault" society doctors lean towards overdiagnosing it.
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