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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. If time stops at c, how does light move?
  2. It's not "theoretically impossible" to travel faster than light, it's just theoretically impossible to accelerate to that speed, which is why tachyons have not been ruled out, particularly in brane theory.
  3. That site is just pathetic. A good pseudoscientist doesn't say that something will happen on a specific date, because on May 27th, we'll all be sitting right here laughing when the poles haven't shifted.
  4. At 3:00PM EST today, a site created in a joint project by Caltech and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will go live, offering access to a digital archive of 40,000 of Einstein's papers. These papers include both his scientific and personal writings. http://www.alberteinstein.info
  5. I usually go about 25 over (obviously slower in heavy traffic), except on the part of I-75 that goes from Naples to Miami. Little traffic, straight flat road, most of the sides are fenced off indian reservations so cops are always in the median where they can be seen a mile away, picked up by radar detector 2 miles away.. speed limit there is 70, i tear it up at 105-110, I'd go faster but thats my cars top speed. But by the time I go back to college in the fall, I'll have a car that will be going 150.
  6. "wreckless" driving is completely different. speeding: not particularly dangerous running through stop lights while speeding: very bad idea. passing every other car on the road: no problem so long as you have good judgement and fast reaction time passing people on the shoulder or off-road while driving 90mph: deathwish and of course driving drunk is just stupid. it's not the guy going 80 that causes the accidents, it's the blind old lady with a reaction time like .30BAC driving in the left lane at 40 that causes the accident.
  7. Age limits are a joke. All they do is annoy people, and it makes them want the games even more. Besides, no study has proven that violent video games cause violent behavoir. Studies have shown there is a link, but correlation DOES NOT prove causality. Do people play violent video games because they are violent, or do the games make them violent? A correlational study cannot answer this question, and we don't yet understand the human mind enough to test another way.
  8. i drive safely... just fast.
  9. This time in Thread 777: Adam believes he knows where all of modern science is wrong, while claiming it's only for fat people and he doesn't actually understand it. He then goes on to claimthe show "Sightings" on the Sci-Fi channel proved skeptics wrong, and then just starts rambling about the KGB files. afaIone: where's planet x? why haven't the poles shifted? sacredcity3 wants to directly connect. sacredcity3 cancels request; no connection was made. sacredcity3 wants to directly connect. sacredcity3 cancels request; no connection was made. fafaIone wants to directly connect. sacredcity3 is now directly connected. sacredcity3: <picture of a normal sky> sacredcity3: <another picture of a normal sky> fafaIone: ...ok? sacredcity3: <yet another picture with nothing abnormal in it> sacredcity3: to the left of sun sacredcity3: there it is sacredcity3: visible sacredcity3: in sunset sacredcity3: in eastcoast fafaIone: thats not a planet you jackass sacredcity3: yes it is fafaIone: proof= sacredcity3: look for it yourself when sky is clear sacredcity3: at about sacredcity3: 7:30-8 fafaIone: pm? sacredcity3: yes fafaIone: it wasn't there last night while i was watching the eclipse fafaIone: perfectly clear sacredcity3: eclipse was at 11 fafaIone: eclipses take several hours... it started earlier than that sacredcity3: not here fafaIone: where are you sacredcity3: new england fafaIone: oh and nearby planets would be visible for more than 30 minutes in a day sacredcity3: not that visible. fafaIone: if they were close enough to cause a pole shift in the next several days they would sacredcity3: that's absurd fafaIone: i'm the one who knows basic astrophysics, remember? sacredcity3: No i don't remember fafaIone: yeah, remember when i was explaining to you how precession causes periodic, predictable pole shifts.. and you got bored and left because i was talking about real science sacredcity3: You're the one who thinks theres proof of final stage of human evolution sacredcity3: though sacredcity3: no i don't remeber that fafaIone: does the phrase "punctuated equilibrium" have any meaning for you? sacredcity3: no fafaIone: thats what i thought. go take any introductory biology course, then come tell me about a lack of evidence for evolution sacredcity3: Science is for fat people though sacredcity3: Fit don't need it fafaIone: then don't presume to know its flaws sacredcity3: yawn fafaIone: unless you understand something, you cannot tell someone who does understand it that its wrong fafaIone: world doesnt' work like that sacredcity3: go read some basics of fafaIone: ... sacredcity3: secrecy of kbg files fafaIone: the kgb disbanded decades ago sacredcity3: the files and videos sacredcity3: did not fafaIone: (yes, kgb, not kbg) sacredcity3: by the way sacredcity3: all the shit that was shown in that show sacredcity3: is a nice slap in the face sacredcity3: for you sceptics fafaIone: you cannot assess the validity of anything relating to evolution or astrophysics without having any knowledge at all fafaIone: what show? sacredcity3: the one that was on sci-fi sacredcity3: they ahve like sightings show fafaIone: rofl sacredcity3: they producers fafaIone: you're an idiot sacredcity3: no sacredcity3: im not fafaIone: i'm going out fafaIone: its friday night sacredcity3: go where fafaIone: have fun waiting for the pole shift, it might be another 10k years sacredcity3: the dining area sacredcity3: have a hang over next day sacredcity3: from overeating sacredcity3 direct connection is closed.
  10. I saw it. Quite boring.
  11. You mean its a game and not a simulation???? No wonder I get pulled over so much. jk i speed around like a maniac weaving in and out of traffic and drive 70+ on local 45 roads, but i've never been pulled over (or hit another car).
  12. Using conventional techniques (acceleration with rocket engines, etc) it's impossible... but we don't yet know enough to rule out a creative way of warping space-time to travel faster than light.
  13. Beyond the edge of the universe should be observable since ordinary matter continues to pass into it... it stands to reason one day we could send a probe into it.
  14. 71 +4/-3 km/s/Mpc (see this thread), and it will expand forever.
  15. Infinity cannot be quantitized.
  16. fafalone


    Are you taking credit for my prune? all the log shows is 7533 fafalone 03:25, 13th May 2003 misc.php updateforum 7532 fafalone 03:25, 13th May 2003 misc.php 7531 fafalone 03:25, 13th May 2003 misc.php updatethread 7530 fafalone 03:25, 13th May 2003 misc.php 7529 fafalone 03:24, 13th May 2003 thread.php pruneuser forum id = -1 7528 fafalone 03:24, 13th May 2003 thread.php pruneuser forum id = -1 7527 fafalone 03:24, 13th May 2003 thread.php prune 7526 fafalone 03:24, 13th May 2003 user.php doupdate user id = 410 7525 fafalone 03:23, 13th May 2003 user.php edit user id = 410
  17. There is a new theory of other universes created at the time of the big bang; but the model predicts that one is 10^(10^28) (that's a 1 followed by 10^28 zeros) meters away, so it'll be quite a while before we can detect something that far away. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000F1EDD-B48A-1E90-8EA5809EC5880000
  18. There are always an infinite number of points along a line.
  19. a) The 'r' in 'laser' is for radiation. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. b) What you think is color is nothing but a wave in the range that the human eye is sensitive to. Radio waves are the exact same thing, only in a wavelength range that our eyes are not sensitive to. Also consider infrared; this wave has a wavelength is above what our eyes can see, but not above what the eyes of some animals can see. Your model is incoherent and not applicable to the the properties of anything is this universe.
  20. Anyone who can't pass the FCAT shouldn't graduate anyway.
  21. Once a week is hardly an inconvenience.
  22. French? Well, that explains everything.
  23. I highly doubt you posses the esoteric lexicon to obfuscate comprehension from MrL, especially given that your grasp of contemporary research failed to ascertain that several corporations have announced plans to pursue this very idea. Second of all, there is a plain english explanation as to "why a perfect copy could not be a perfect copy." When it comes to DNA manipulation, a perfect copy is exactly reproducing every bit of DNA. However, many aspects of development are influenced by environmental factors; so just because two organisms have the same DNA, they don't have to appear identical. Take a recent research report published in Nature, where cloned cats had completely different fur patterns.
  24. The iPaq is by far the best PDA.
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