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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. No, they cannot be handled classicly as you claim. Motion of objects is dependent on not only the relativistic effects of time, but also of gravity. You're completely misinterpreting what you've read. The very fact that your fingers are moving relative to something else proves my point.
  2. fafalone


    In Florida, you have to pay a $200 fee, take a firearms safety course, and have thorough background check to obtain a concealed weapons permit.
  3. Since space-time cannot be separated, your q and V vectors are meaningless. Just because a book says something doesn't make it true... don't forget that not all math people show is correct. Think back to the people who came here proposed GUTs.
  4. Why is being right embarassing? Relativistic effects are perfectly accountable for without separating space from time. I strongly doubt Einstein said we exist anywhere other than space-time, since he basically came up with space-time.
  5. Just for clarification, blike hasn't even taken physics 1, and is by no means knowledgeable in physics.
  6. The fact that makes your solution ultimately incorrect is that you cannot separate spacial coordinates from their 4th, t, coordinate.
  7. You could always shoot someone and describe the trajectory of the bullet.
  8. I now have 2000 posts, all bow down before me.
  9. this is really similar to another thread, either its deja vu or a glitch in the matrix...
  10. I'll tell you after I take orgo next year.
  11. fafalone


    Not all behavoirs are really well explained by evolution.
  12. No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers.
  13. I wonder if there's any studies where people were given a real dose of something but experienced nothing when they really expected some sort of result.
  14. Our universe is 4-D.
  15. Really, dissociatives are bad.
  16. Measure the speed of light with cables... it costs about $15, and its really accurate and really cool.
  17. Time flies when you're having fun.
  18. Not if you were in space ship!!!!! In theory you could sit a couple feet from the EH and experience years in seconds, then escape and travel into the future!!!!
  19. Of course basic training in physics is a prerequisite to either of those documents. If you think you understand QM but haven't learned basic physics, believe me you really don't know QM all too well.
  20. When you can create anything resembling an efficient communications network without using numbers, or any knowledage that wouldn't have existed without numbers, be sure to let me know.
  21. fafalone


    Harder to get a drivers license!?!??! Have you seen some of the bufoons of the roads??? I'd rather see a chimp behind the wheel the some of the idiots out there, especially the jackass that went off-road to pass me on the alley... I was doing 90.
  22. A good, 400watt power supply will let you hook up one MB and 5-6 IDE devices via some Y-splitters.. I haven't had any problems doing that with mine.
  23. If you looked at the simple vector issue I presented you'd realize the absurbity of stating v(t) for all objects is equal to c.
  24. And according to statistics, legalizing drugs make their use go down.
  25. Dissociatives will just kill off brain cells like there's no tomorrow. Even a few heavy doses will make your brain look like swiss cheese.
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