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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. I heard Blike Suckz suckz at pool.
  2. fafalone


    In several places (I'm aware of 2 in the US, and 1 in AU), there's a law on the books REQUIRING everyone to own a gun. The crime rate for these towns is virtually zero. And banning guns is just plain stupid. The criminals are still going to have guns whether they're legal or not. Furthermore, hunting is a legitimate sport under the right circumstances.
  3. Anyone else able to control their dreams? It's really fun. The hard part isn't realizing that you're dreaming, it's taking control without waking yourself up.
  4. I think Slashdot featured a news story the other day about how coding jobs were predicted to greatly pick up over the next decade.
  5. Not necessarily... remember that the law of entropy doesn't say entropy in any system is always increasing, it just says that the entropy of the universe as a whole is increasing, so certin systems (i.e. life) can naturally violate it.
  6. If both were in the news forum then we're aware of the problem... someone :::cough:::blike:::cough::: apparently turned on the moderator queue for replies.
  7. No, because galaxies won't dissociate.
  8. Hence why access to the patent was restricted.
  9. phosphites, phosphorous chlorides, and alkyl-diethanolamines are some of the precursors I'm aware of.
  10. http://www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com/
  11. A highly experienced organic chemist should be able to deduce how to make it from its structure. It's not like the US government just stumbled upon it, they had chemists that knew about this area and made modifications. Since there are a number of other uses for organophosphates, not all of them classified, there is logically a number of scientists familiar with these compounds, and could make a guess at how to make this particular variation. Furthermore, the reactions to detoxify it are public and in my possession, it stands to reason under the right conditions these steps could be reversed.
  12. Nevermind, I downloaded it again and it opened.
  13. Can't seem to open that with Acrobat 5.0
  14. The universe is going to keep expanding forever according to the WMAP results; black holes lack the gravitational influence to slow things down and bring them back in the long run, because their influence at a certain distance is so low it exceeds their lifespan (black holes evaporate over time)
  15. Gravity propagates faster than light... (the latest experiment saying otherwise was mistakenly calculating the speed of light, rather than that of gravity)
  16. And if we try to stop the rioting, people like Matzi will scream about us using the military against the civilians.
  17. Actually, realizing that some things are in fact 2-D requires thinking outside the box you're sure not capable of ex: cosmic strings
  18. Beer is the drink of cretins.
  19. Proving converging infinite series involving imaginary numbers is not a task for the faint of heart. I worked out a proof for one of these, it took 4 hours. But what else could have I been doing in calc1?
  20. sin(x) = e^(ix)-e^(-ix)/(2i) cos(x)= e^(ix)+e^(-ix)/2 tan(x) = (i(1-e^(2ix)))/(1+e^(2ix)) sec(x) = (2i)/e^(ix)-e^(-ix) csc(x) = 2/e^(ix)+e^(-ix) cot(x) = (1+e^(2ix))/(i(1-e^(2ix)) sinh(x) = e^(x)-e^(-x)/2 cosh(x)= e^(x)+e^(-x)/2 tanh(x) = (e^x-e^-x)/(e^-x+e^x) Have fun thinking about why all this is true.
  21. Just because a brain is large doesn't mean it functions well or even does as much. Alot of function is related to efficiency, and lower brains aren't nearly as well wired as we are.
  22. The UN has passed resolutions authorizing conflict in the past. Furthermore, allowing a country to disregard cease-fire agreements is an insult to the integrity of the UN.
  23. University of Miami Between scholarships and grants I pay next to nothing out of pocket...
  24. Sounds like fun I don't have to pay for it I pay $32,000/year to go here, I should be able to use all the bandwidth I damn well please!
  25. Impossible with the technique they used with Dolly (and all theo ther things they cite), not impossible by theory. they are already working on other methods. the problem relates to the organization of binding proteins, this will be worked around.
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