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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. 1441 authorized serious consequences for non-compliance. this conflict is not forbidden, merely contested.
  2. blike, stop deleting my posts without informing me of it. It's really getting annoying. what happened with eric: eric's friend danielle signed on aim, i didn't even know she was still on my BL I IMed him and said that she signed on he said "get your own life you fucking faggot" then warned me and blocked me. this deserves an apology, and eric will not be in my presence until he admits his childish response and apologize. also notice how eric is the only person banned from the channel.... and its not being power hungry, if you act like that towards a leader in *any* organization you're a part of, i promise you will be fired/banned.
  3. One you get into upper level physics the calculus is pretty intense, but you'll have to have the required calc courses as a prerequisite. but you won't have trouble learning it if you get through the early levels.
  4. The calculus is far from the hardest part of physics.
  5. Yeah if you want to put up with his 15k capped cable modem. Now if you want something from me (like the 100+ movies I have as DIVX/XVID/SVCD, I will be happy to send them to you as fast as your connection can handle it, since i've got an OC-3, which is unfathomably superior to erics puny cable. You can only request those movies if you own a physical copy and want a computer copy... because I'm sure the MPAA is already spying on me for downloading so damn many, and they don't care whether I in fact own them or not. jk i don't care if you own them, the MPAA is an incarnation of satan.
  6. I'll add it to the smilies list soon
  7. Yesterday, scientists for Health Canada suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a study showing the presence of female hormones in beer. The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the findings, 100 men were fed six pints of beer each. It was then observed that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn't drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and refused to apologize when wrong. No further testing is planned.
  8. Really, we need more active members.
  9. And people were beating it with their shoe... apparently this is one of the worst insults in that part of the world.
  10. If guests see a math competition with a question they want to have a go at, they'll have to join.
  11. WRONG. I began getting suspicious about this from the fact the "Iraq's ambassador to the UN" said the war was over today, so I checked it out. http://www.un.org/Overview/unmember.html Iraq IS A UN MEMBER, and has been a member since Dec. 21, 1945. Hence they are bound to all resolutions regarding their weapons.
  12. An interrim US government until an Iraqi one can be formed sure beats anarchy, or a UN government with their record.
  13. Thanks for your support. Apparently attracting new members through this competition is beyond your comprehension. If you are unhappy with the number of members, feel free to spread the word and get more.
  14. Of course there will be a period without Iraqii leadership, this is INEVITABLE. We don't have a desire to rule Iraq and a government of Iraqis will be in place as soon as its possible.
  15. Energy doesn't create gravity, mass creates gravity.
  16. Isn't the spin quantum number for a photon 1?
  17. So how is the universe expanding? It's obviously expanding at infinitely many points, so what is it expanding into if there were no dimensions beyond it?
  18. For accusing me of pro-war propaganda, you are sure putting out alot of anti-war propaganda. The US has never said it had a desire or plan to rule Iraq, period.
  19. Is there such a thing as an anti-photon? :/
  20. But there is no matter in a vacuum (maybe a couple atoms every few hundred cubic meters)
  21. Apparently you haven't. Find me any source besides biased leftist ones that the US will be placing American leaders in power. Our government has repeatedly discussed its plans for a post-war Iraq, and that's not part of it.
  22. GSWs to the head on footage of soldiers aired on Al-Jazeera; unlikely to be from battle (helmet? would at least make the wound less neat). It's clear at least one of them is still bleeding out, so it had to be recent. I'll send you the video if you'd like. And the brutality of groups like the fedayeen is even more of a reason to take out this regime.
  23. This is another case of someone not knowing that e=mc2 is really e2=(pv)2 + m2c4 where p=hf/c (not mv).
  24. Photoshop?? more like MS Paint
  25. This all depends on the age group. For college students, no such restrictions exist, nor should they. In high school, honors/ap courses should have those freedoms because they are responsible enough.
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