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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. According to this press release, Sandia National Laboratory's Z Machine (pictured, click here for full size) has produced the first steps towards a viable fusion process. Highly dense plasmas were compressed into a small (2mm) capsule called a hohlraum, which is at the center of the 120ft in diameter machine. This is bringing us closer to achieve ignition, the point at which the fusion reaction becomes self-sustaining. The Z Machine uses large pulses of electricity that compress tungsten wires into X-ray emitting foam cylinders. The X-rays then compress deuterium in the capsule enough to fuse the atoms and produce neutrons.
  2. What are you talking about? You're wrong, sorry.
  3. He says it's visible now.
  4. He claims people from space.com saw it, but are claiming its Mercury. He immediately blocked my new screen name when I laughed at him.
  5. It shows more courtesy if quietly step out than disrupting the entire class.
  6. You conveniently disregard the facts that Iraq is executing POWs in cold blood. You conveniently disregard the fact that if people really didn't want to be human shields they'd move. You conveniently disregard the fact that Iraq is bound to the terms of the cease-fire agreement they signed to end the gulf war.
  7. So not only is the matter moving superluminally but if its visible than the light it emits must also be moving much faster.
  8. If you really have to leave, having to ask permission is alot more disruptive and rude.
  9. "Common courtesy" should have no need to be mandated.
  10. Monday is April 7th. 1) No. It's a class. 2) Yes. There's simply no reason not to allow this. 3) Yes. No need to treat students like little children. 4) Yes. It's important to learn the consequences of irresponsibility.
  11. The light containing what happened during the big bang would be travelling away from us. And we can observe beyond the known universe, we just don't know what we're looking for, so it looks like nothing across all wavelengths.
  12. How would matter ever get out of the black hole since the escape velocity is greater than c?
  13. This has nothing to do with the force Zarkov described. This applies to atoms and objects in a complete vacuum, not normal objects, and will have no impact on macroscopic Newtonian mechanics.
  14. Thousands? No. Those who take up arms against us are not innocent, which leaves the civilians. And voluntarily acting as a human shield is not innocent either. And don't use UN approval as a justification, because according to you a nation doesn't have to do what the UN says, and countries don't have to abide by treaties that they have entered into.
  15. Assuming you consider liberal arts a real degree to begin with.
  16. If the Iraqi people choose to let their government use them as human shields, they know full well they may be killed by our bombs. Your perception of the regime is so incredibly warped. Do you know why civilian targets are being struck? The regime is hiding weapons and soldiers and leadership there.
  17. Not quite. They agreed to the terms of the cease-fire. And this is not a world where you can do whatever you want as long as no one gets hurt. You cannot threaten people, you cannot possess illegal materials, and you cannot simply decide to stop honoring a legally binding contract.
  18. fafalone

    Teh Box

    I think our server is set up like that.
  19. But the longer you stay at a university the higher income you can expect.
  20. A better format than using e-mail would be to use a dedicated, moderated forum. People would tend to be more inclined to post it here than e-mail the results. We could set it up so that you could control when all the posts appeared, until then they would not be visible to anyone.
  21. Weekly???? They haven't changed it in years.
  22. fafalone

    * Cough *

    Apologies for last night, the server latency was simply appalling. Change is coming.
  23. If you want to make it controversial just talk about what I did... religion has caused more death in war than anything else.
  24. He probably changed his screen name to avoid all the people who would inevitably be mocking him since the plante has not shown up.
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