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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. Finding a time that's good for PST, EST, GMT, .. and i think we've got some members down under too... is a very diffuclt task.
  2. Matter does fall into a black hole.
  3. cordata is not to be confused with chordata, which is a phylum for organisms with a spinal cord. yeah that's the genus and species.
  4. The classification I gave is for iridescent seaweed, Iridaea cordata
  5. DIVISION: Rhodophyta CLASS: Florideophyceae ORDER: Gigartinales FAMILY: Gigartinaceae
  6. fafalone

    Teh Box

    Sounds like my older computer: P2 300, 32MB ram, 8.4gb hd, 4mb vid card, some old ISA sound card, ISA modem. I don't even have a box for it. It's all loose, even the power supply.
  7. lol
  8. If you're referring to Stephen Hawking, why is it that he doesn't do chats? He writes books, works on equations... I'm sure he has a permanent interpreted that could type for him.
  9. Not in the near future... but in a few decades we'll have enough of an understanding of how the brain works and the further abilities in technology to simulate it.
  10. You really need to have the angle to solve this problem.
  11. Yes, it does. Gay men can reproduce, but they are LESS LIKELY to do so. You cannot claim the rate of reproduction of homosexuals is the same as heterosexuals.
  12. I don't think you can solve that without some more information (the slope of the hill).
  13. All those were genetic survival advantages... homosexuality is not.
  14. Since there seems to be a tendency towards Brit time, but 7-10 GMT would work for me on weekdays. Try to avoid friday, saturday, and sunday evenings... because i never know where'll Ill be.
  15. I assume you're referring to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and neurons, but these are more of classes than specific types.
  16. There's way more than 3 types of brain cells.
  17. As far as guests, Dr. Kreiss would be great (I'm a Neurobiology major actually), and John Nash would be awesome beyond belief. And schedule... as soon as possible, if we could have 1 guest every month it would be great.
  18. Click to go right there with mIRC: irc://irc.sorcery.net/scienceforums Or click "Chat" from the main menu side block on the main page.
  19. Answering phones and taking orders doesn't exactly burn alot of calories
  20. From the statement one can deduce you believe protecting your allies is wrong. Kuwait is an ally, and Iraq attacked (and continued to threaten to attack again) them. Under R1441, serious consequences were authorized if Iraq did not fully cooperate, which they did not by the words of Dr. Blix. The exact meaning of serious consequences is not absolute, so saying the attack is completely illegal is not accurate. It is of questionable legality. And my analogy is not flawed... I didn't shoot and kill the police that arrested me or the judge that sentenced me. They are acting on behalf of another party who is not capable of acting. This is a different world, where waiting for a threat to come to you is not an acceptable option.
  21. And we have to live in fear knowing an unstable country can attack us? Rights come with responsibilities, and Saddam is clearly not a responsible leader. We have the right to security. Take this analogy: in the United States, every citizen has the right to bear arms. However, if you shoot and kill another person in cold blood, you lose that right. Iraq has a right to sovereignty, however the instability and agression shown by their government should have consequences.
  22. So now you're back to saying insane dictators have a right to conceal horrible weapons. My sources include foregin media, professors who study that area of the world, comments from people living in Iraq, and some intelligence materials not accessible to the general public.
  23. And I always bash blike, normally I just do it through IMs. It's all in good fun anyway, me and blike are good friends.
  24. The information I'm looking at comes from far more than the mass media. You're still ignoring the UN demand the Iraq ACTIVELY COOPERATE in providing evidence of their disarmament. They had them. They did not destroy them. Where'd they go???? It's far more likely they're still there than magically vanished without a trace.
  25. a) I'm not saying you don't watch the news, I'm just saying I watch it more. You invoked the "experience" argument with your age, so I invoked it with I've read more on the topic. b) If you have objective evidence clearly disproving the idea behind what I said (i.e. if I said 140km range and the range was actually 150km, it's trivial) then I will admit that particular point is wrong. c) They did exist. He used them. He admitted he had more of them. The burden was on Iraq to show evidence of their destruction ("active cooperation"). They provided no such evidence. Saying WOMD is easier than saying chemical and biological warheads, when I refer to WOMD I am generally referring to those and other weapons he is not supposed to possess under UN resolutions. I agree that it is highly unlikely that he would deploy them, but we should not take the chance like we did with Al Qaeda before Sept. 11. Also, it is also possible for weapons to make it into the hands of other parties. This is slightly more liekly than him using them. d) No. Other countries have contributed people trained in operations with chem/bio weapons. They aren't going into combat, but they are chem/bio specialists who are working with our forces. Other countries are giving remote support. Italy is allowing us to use their bases. Turkey authorized overflights. Kuwait is obviously letting us use their bases. e) The reasons behind the physical necessity inherently establish morality. f) You're being far more dense than me. Yes I've considered one of my facts is wrong, but you haven't provided any legitimate evidence of it. If you're pissed off that you're losing this argument to a teenager whose arguments are clearly better than yours, than maybe you shouldn't stay around.
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