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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. We'll see.
  2. Just use :int:uv = uv - :int: v du u=1+sin(2x) v=sqrt(1+sin(2x)) du=2cos(2x) (chain rule) (1+sin(2x))(sqrt(1+sin(2x))) - :int: (sqrt(1+sin(2x)))(2cos(2x)) (sin(2x)+1)^(3/2) - :int: (cos(2x)/sqrt(sin(2x)+1) (sin(2x)+1)^(3/2) - sqrt(sin(2x)+1) which you can further simplify to (sin(2x))(sqrt(sin(2x)+1)) i'm sure i made a stupid mistake somewhere, but the general idea is right... and for some reason my calculator can't do this problem :/
  3. Or neither, hence option 5 :/ If you say we're wrong to invade, if you say Iraq should be given more time, if for any reason you oppose military action.. you're against us. Peace has failed.
  4. I think the people whose families have been tortured and killed for their dissent wouldn't see us that way.
  5. Because of diplomatic pressure from countries like yours. We finally got tired of waiting for the world to agree on preemptive actions after our failure to act on Al Qaeda resulted in 9/11.
  6. Since most people don't like talking about science is why we're growing slowly... but we're getting bigger. The more people the better... word of mouth is one of the best tools.
  7. How much time do you think Iraq should be given to disarm? 12 years isn't enough time?
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/11/science/space/11COSM.html?pagewanted=print&position=top
  9. DMT blocks serotonin reuptake and stimulates more secretion of it... there's experience reports that it makes an acid trip look like a caffeine buzz.
  10. The smartest students should be pushed the hardest.
  11. IQ tests accurately measure potential, which is the point.
  12. Those are largely psychological; although genetic susceptibility is a factor, it comes down to the relationship between mind and body.
  13. So you're saying hostile dictatorships promote peace
  14. Absolutely. Marijuana for one. Basically any chemical that kills brain cells can lead to memory loss, some chemicals are stronger than others.
  15. But have you been officially rated?
  16. It's linear, 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest, so the slope is pretty large.
  17. 4? 4 is advanced. most non-varsity college players are around 3. I'm around 5.0... pros are 7.0 (NTRP scale)
  18. I used to play... on my high school team for 4 years, but i just don't have time to play anymore.
  19. "temps" ... temporal... temporary... relating to time illimité - should be able to guess unlimited... and thats all you need to know to get the meaning
  20. That's the equivalent of saying Iraq should have more time. And from what you have said in other topics, you should have definately gone with option number two.
  21. The question I pose is, if we could induce division of the new embryo at the same point that it occurs in the formation of identical twins, would that too be immormal to all you bible thumpers?
  22. We generally allow pseudoscience here, but we stop it when it gets out of hand... see the hall of shame, specifically Zarkov and Adam. Religous nuts can post all they want, posts from the religion forum don't appear on the main page, so the only users who see the posts are the ones looking for the posts. Nothing upsets me more than the pseudoscience forum having the most posts :/
  23. You can provide your real name, we just don't specifically ask for it.
  24. Good, the less hostile dictatorships with WOMD the better.
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