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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. What other options are there? Either you think Iraq should have more than 12 years to disarm, or you support an ultimatum.
  2. We hate Iran too right now. "Axis of evil"
  3. If he uses them, or our troops find the stockpiles, would that change your attitude towards war?
  4. me? i'm on a oc-3.
  5. It's good, but not that funny.
  6. Well if you can't take time out of your drug dealing and gang wars... then you don't belong in college. As if you'd not have time in school to begin with.
  7. Yeah our record with finding top enemies is appalling...
  8. Quantum computing is still in its infancy, but we're rapidly making progress. Check out my new review of our progress in quantum computing, then vote on your opinion on how long it will be before the first functional quantum computers are used in businesses.
  9. Believe me I know plenty of the bottom 1% that are going to state school for free.
  10. Don't use the derivative at all for part a.
  11. Yeah the UN wants to get rid of him but their timetable makes death of Saddam by old age the most probable method.
  12. Chance has little do with it... intelligence and hard work are much bigger factors.
  13. Unless you make a meaningful contribution to society. Well, 99.99999% still won't care but educated people will remember you for centuries.
  14. Anyone who can't pay for college probably doesn't belong there. No matter how poor you are, if you work hard enough scholarships, grants, and loans will pay for AT LEAST state school. To not have enough money is a result of lack of these, which is related to academics, not financial status.
  15. Bump. The data also suggests the universe might be shaped like a donut... and if you went over the edge you'd reappear on the other side. I don't know about that... since if the matter of the universe of the can expand, the matter of whatever you're travelling in should be able to continue into the void too.
  16. Possessing WOMD when UN law required their destruction is breaking a law.
  17. I eat fast food at least 4 times a week and I'm losing weight.. must be the 3+ miles of walking back and forth to class every day.
  18. You look like the new one? Yikes
  19. International law according to people like you states we cannot attack a hostile nation until they attack us first... as Bush said, that is not peace, it is blackmail and suicide.
  20. 'They' refers to Saddam, his sons, and their inner circle. They all influence policy.
  21. Well I'd hope everyone who voted on the poll watched it :/ He's absolutely right, the time for diplomacy is long over. If Iraq wanted a peaceful resolution of the conflict, they would have showed evidence of disarming.
  22. 1441 called for serious consequences if they didn't comply. War is a serious consequence, and they have not complied.
  23. it should just be N'(t) written as a percent.
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