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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. He admitted to having weapons of mass destruction. He has not provided evidence that he destroyed them. Are you missing this logical pathway?
  2. I'm mainly interested in elementary particle physics as it relates forming a GUT explaining how things worked well before nucleosynthesis.
  3. From the options field on the user control panel, click change avatar. There's an upload option at the bottom of the page that comes up.
  4. You're forgetting the point of 1441; Iraq was required to actively cooperate to prove it had disarmed, and there is no proof that it has disarmed. Apparently over a decade isn't enough time to disarm? Ok.
  5. Maybe. One of these two areas... so I need to know everything about both paths. Quantum biology would also be very interesting to go into, for which I would have to know a great deal of particle physics... which is intimately linked to cosmology anyway.
  6. What schools have the best programs for cosmology?
  7. Any race sufficiently advanced would almost not be communicating with radio waves... and any race that would be communicating with radio waves probably cannot trasmit them with enough power to reach us... but nonetheless, I always keep SETI@home running on my computer.
  8. Waste of time
  9. But seriously, anyone who thinks he has no WOMD is foolish.
  10. If you're looking for good science reading, you should go to your medical library or physics library... not a general library.
  11. Well I think we all know why you are advocating low-level presentations.
  12. If the French have anything to do with it. (see poll option number two)
  13. I don't think any of the data would be beneficial to what we know now; but personally if I was one of the victims I would want my death not to be in vain and possibly help someone.
  14. 2/3rds of Iraq are people Saddam wouldn't mind killing.
  15. New poll on the front page, everyone go vote
  16. Usually we post sciency polls, but since this is a big night and so many of our posts have been about it today...
  17. Well, I guess the answer is Yes to war, since it will be a cold day in hell before Saddam steps down like Bush will be demanding tonight.
  18. And it is true, Iraq freely admits to it; they innitiate combat because they don't recognize the no-fly zones.
  19. Radar sites that help other sites attack for one. Now it's obvious that we're really extended the targets, but facilities supporting facilities that are attack us are fair game.
  20. We attack anti-aircraft sites because they open fire. And Iraqii planes can fly and bomb them.
  21. Yes, the central groups have not launched any more large attacks on the kurds.
  22. Right, they'd be dropping bombs on the Kurds instead, which would be in violation of the UN resolution the no-fly zones enforce
  23. Yes, invading Iraq is illegal under UN law; but no-fly zones are definately in a gray area.
  24. Laugh it up cretin.
  25. Well that would be an act of war and illegal; but the no-fly zones are to protect the Kurds. We only bomb targets in response to them firing at our aircraft first (until a couple more days now )
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