Or i could just ban you, since you're the only user on the boards that i have a problem with. notice all the other people whose view differs from mine? notice how they're not considered trouble makers like you are?
It doesn't say no-fly zones are not permitted; and with their purpose being to enforce item 4, they have some basis. You have read our explanation of how we interpreted the resolution to allow for this type of action, haven't you?
I told you Iwas using UNSCR 688 as support, if you're to lazy to find out information about it on your own, then I strongly suggest you stop talking to me before you give me a reason to suspended you again.
UNSC Resolution 688 gave us the authority to establish these zones; now I'll admit that it was pushing it, but it's far from completely illegal and unsanctioned.
Well after another evening of dominating (yet again) blike in pool, I thought I'd share a cool (and long and detailed) article about the physics of pool. Coolness.
No, nothing with mass can accelerate to the speed of light under the laws of mechanics as we *currently* understand them, however if V0 was already >c, then none of these laws are broken.
I don't think Iraqii mothers are pleased to live in poverty because of a dictatorship. I don't think Iraqii mothers are pleased when their husbands killed for speaking out against saddam. You go live in Iraq for a while, and try convincing them saddam should stay in power.
Oh, and they wouldn't even be killed by american bombs in the first place if they weren't being used as human shields.
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