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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. If i translated your post correctly, you were referring to escape velocity of planets/systems. They have already accounted for these effects.
  2. Hawking* Time dialation in atomic clocks on planes was due to velocity. Gravity also dialates time. These are seperate components.
  3. -(2ln(sqrt((x+1)/x)-1)-2xsqrt((x+1)/x)-ln(1/x))/2
  4. You try copying billions pieces of complex information, see how many mistakes you make
  5. Adam won't be replying to that, I beat him over the head with my banstick =)
  6. first year you need 2-3 years of highschool credit in a foreign language. you might be able to take 1-2 of these in middle school, but don't bother if its not for highschool credit.
  7. Alot. Like why the universe came into existence. Welcome to the boards Tau, you finally joined =)
  8. Well of course if gravity propaates at c intergalactic travel with it still wont be possible. I don't blieve the calculation that it does.
  9. "You can predict anything if you know the rules" What if uncertainty *is* the rule driving things on the Planck scale.
  10. Just think of motion. Say you have an equation for velocity. Then you also have an equation for position (the integral) and acceleration (the derivative).
  11. Because the 5,000 British troops will just be so helpful to our massive army.
  12. My course schedule for next semester: Organic Chemistry I/Lab University Physics II/Lab Genetics/Lab Neurobiology Calculus II This is basically the hardest load possible
  13. Couldn't you compensate for that by applying an equal amount of energy in the exact opposite direction? That would be a feat of engineering decades down the road, but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
  14. So is HIV transmissable to a female through oral intercourse with a male (assuming no open wounds)?
  15. Bump... and.. if i can get a weak signal (barely able to talk) at night, and no signal during the day... how much of a gain (dBi) do I really need? I was looking at a base station antenna that offered a 13dBi gain for $72, would that get me good coverage?
  16. A dyne/N (Newton) is a unit of force. s is obviously second, cm/m is meter/centimeter
  17. A poise is a unit of viscosity (internal friction in a fluid), 1 poise = 1 dyn*s/cm2 = .1N * s/m2
  18. The COPA was declared unconstitutional. Even if it hadn't been, we still don't believe in its use. We don't collect real names or addresses, so we didn't even need it. Don't worry about it.
  19. Just look at Africa. They believe having sex with a virgin cures it. No wonder two thirds of some areas have it (obviously if the percentage is above 50, some females have it). Furthermore, haven't you ever heard of pregnant women concerned about passing it to their kids? Anyone who thinks aids only affects homosexuals is wrong and ignorant.
  20. Can't be at absolute zero; either the pressure or volume would have to be zero, which means you'd have nothing.
  21. All that information appeared on CNN too. And on NBC nightly news. and on virtually every other news source i've seen
  22. There's no information on that page (other than specifics of British troop movements, but we have details of American troop movemoents) that hasn't been on the news here. We've known that March is the target date for war since January.
  23. I'm not wrong. A few cells being exceptions does not imply that all neurons produce a wide variety of neurotransmitters. You are wrong.
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