The latest bullshit:
UN resolution forbids Iraq from having missiles that reach beyond a certain range. Blix found missiles that go beyond this range, and ordered them destroyed. Yet somehow Iraq still isn't in breach. Surely everyone can see why the UN in its current form is pathetic and useless.
And of course that report will be on March 7th, with a US/UK resolution to be voted on the following week. He's had about 10 last chances since 1441 was passed.
um.. k.
ecstacy actually depletes serotonin by decreasing the firing rate of neurons, whereas a drug like LSD would increase them by inhibiting reuptake.
There probably is variety, although the majority would be for a specific type of neurotransmitter. This is best illstrusted by how psychoactive drugs only affect certain parts of the nervous system. Serotonin is used more in the brain, so its logical to conclude neurons in the brain have more serotonin receptors. Same for AChe in the PNS; having a higher concentration of the most needed receptors is more efficient.
In this experiment, the group velocity was faster than light, but none of the members of the group actually exceeded the speed of light, and the signal did reach the receiver before it left the transmitter, by an extremely small amount of time.
Neutrino detectors look for direct collisions; but neutrinos do interact with matter, albeit extremely weekly. But consider the number of times this happens, I believe the number is on the order of 108/cm3/s
What is the nature of the space between molecules, such as in air in in water? Is it a true vacuum, or is the presence of neutrinos not negligible in considering its properties.
Whats more, not only do the ignorant people continue to live out their pointless lives blissfully unaware that they're ignorant, but always find some way to blame it on the system. Obviously if you're an ignorant URM, this is quite easy.
We can do whatever we want, it's just less of a headache with broad support. Besides, we're not attacking Iraq until after their holy migration time where there's too many commericial jetliners in the air, so we might as well try ot get more support until march.
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