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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. fractions are representations of decimals.
  2. I don't find cretinism amusing.
  3. Well they could be any imaginary number too, but then the result would be imaginary. And the range is usually an integer, but you could use 1/2 * 1/3, etc, whereas you could't do that with a factorial.
  4. Or motivate yourself to learn. There you ago again, placing the blame on everyone but yourself.
  5. Please discuss this data in the "WMAP Results" thread (you should see it on the main page) For some reason people tend to comment more on threads rather than news posts, plus it won't get sent off the page before its ready.
  6. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, launched in June 2001 at a cost of $145 million, looked back to the very beginning of the universe by looking at the cosmic microwave background radiation, the energy which keeps the temperature of a vacuum at 2.725K, just above absolute zero. Temperature changes in the CMB were mapped within 35 millionths of a degree, making the pictures 35 times sharper than COBE, MAP's predecessor. The new findings were measured using very different frequencies: K-Band, Ka-Band, Q-Band, V-Band, and W-Band. Age of the Universe The first frame of the picture on the left of of the cosmic microwave background radiation just 379,000 years after the Big Bang, over 13.7 billion years ago-- the estimated age of the universe, within 0.2 billion years. The Hubble Constant The measured value of the Hubble constant was 71 +4/-3 km/s/Mpc, the most accurate measure ever. This means that the geometry of the universe is flat with adiabatic Gaussian fluctuations on a scale-invariant spectrum. Decoupling and Reionization The age of decoupling was also determined to be 379 +8/-7 thousand years, at a redshift of 1089 +/- 1. The age of decoupling refers to when the universe became transparent. This was the most accurate determination of the age of reionization to date. The determined value is 180 million years. This epoch was when the opaqueness of the universe was broken by the cooling matter being split from hydrogen to a proton and an electron. Matter Condensation Frame 2 shows areas of higher density pulling in matter from areas of lower density, which led to matter condensation. The WMAP indicated that the matter created during the big bang condensed approximately 200 million years after the big bang; much earlier than previously estimated. (Frame 3). Frames 4 and 5 show the formation of stars and galaxies from this condensation. Above: Detailed image of the CMB, combined from all bands. Composition and Fate of the Universe The question of dark matter and dark energy has also been answered. The WMAP indicated that the universe has the following composition: dark energy 73%, dark matter 23%, atoms 4%. That 4% makes up all the stars and planets, and us. The dark energy is the force that overcomes gravity to keep the universe expanding. The 73% density of dark energy means that the universe will keep expanding forever, eventually resulting in a heat death. "Not with a bang, but with a whimper" The data about dark energy provides some vindication for what Einstein called the greatest blunder of his career- the cosmological constant. It now appears as though the dark energy is what the cosmological constant referred to, although quintessence is another possible role of it. Neutrinos, though present, did not significantly interact with matter as to influence the early development of matter. Technical papers: http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_mm/pub_papers/firstyear.html WMAP mission results home page: http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_mm.html Discuss
  7. Discussion thread for the news article.
  8. So what's below-150th-place?
  9. We [university of Miami] own =) http://www.the-scientist.com/yr2003/feb/feature_030210.html (free reg required). Rutgers was #1, Princeton was #3. USF did not make the list.
  10. There are also neural stem cells located inside the brain. The problem is that there are not enough and they do not divide enough.
  11. Some points I raise with a quick reading: 1) "The universe is infinte" No, it's not. 2) e=mc2 is only valid for objects at rest. I don't see the full equation for moving objects anywhere in there. 3) "Only light can travel at the speed of light." According to relativity, which this page relies heavily upon, gravity also travels at the speed of light. 4) Time is the direction in which entropy increases. Our concept of time relates this to a quantity where a certain object goes through so many cycles. 5) Atoms are not perpetual motion ("perpetual motion by electron-positron sense particles.") Atoms decay. (Note: this rate is extremely small for stable atoms, also, photons also decay, however this occurs on the 10^9 order of magnitude) 6) A neutrino does not travel faster than light. Furthermore, it has mass. 7) Light does not rotate, it travels in a straight line. 8) "If space vacuum is infinite aether, all length rms amplitude, all time periodic." Well since we already know it's not infinite, or a complete vacuum, this section is pointless. 9) "perpetual motion of free energy that is enjoyed by all other living species and mass elements." Are you high? There's only a finite amount of energy in the universe, and whatever its rate of disappearance, it's certainly not zero. 10) "The first law of thermodynamics stated that Heat = Energy. " This isn't how my books define it. Energy is the ability to do work, and heat is a *relative* measure of energy. 11) "The second law of thermodynamics = A thermometer." No. second law of thermodynamics = entropy, which incidently has been broken on small scales in small times. 12) "An inexperienced patent office clerk. ..." His theories have been demonstrated as correct numerous times. His legacy obviously demonstrates the power of his discoveries. Furthermore, his theories are used in the GPS system and account for time dilation by speed and gravity. 13) "These people felt threatened and responded with emotional, moral and intellectual degeneracy." With good cause, you clearly don't fully understand what you're talking about. 14) None of your so-called perpetual motion machines account for heat loss from the system. 15) NASA just discovered dark energy, dark matter won't be far behind. This is firmly planted in experimental evidence, and your page dismisses the idea without any discussion of that evidence.
  12. 15cm/minute is extremely slow compared to the rate at sound would have to be recorded.
  13. Yeah I'm waiting for NASA's official release to write this up for the main page.
  14. I believe you misinterpretted that article. They use the rate of escape to calculate how many are in the trap, just like helium escapes a balloon, but that doesn't mean there aren't any in there.
  15. pseudoscience.org
  16. That's estrogen.
  17. Well that goes back to school being mind-numbingly offensive to intellect. I know the feeling.
  18. what?
  19. Why wouldn't 2 axes intersect?
  20. In elementary school and middle school we had a program restricted to those who scored 128 and up on an IQ test, but once we got to highschool honors/AP classes were open to anyone. There was always a distinct social line between those in honors and those in general. Especially in middle school, because we were completely isolated from everyone else, even between classes. Those were the days...
  21. I'd rather deal with a robot than a human any day. They won't screw my orders up (provided they're not running windows), like the screwup that made me sick today. Sour cream is disgusting...
  22. I hope you're not suggesting the government intervenes and starts forcing what kinds of friends you have to meet minority quotas...
  23. Robots could run fast food restaurants with only 1 human maintaining them at any given time, but the paranoia of the masses who depend on that for living will take a long time to subside.
  24. I think something this thread is completing ignoring that there are outside factors that cause disease. Obviously just because your genetic makeup is the same doesn't mean you're going to get the same diseases. Take the cloned cats for example. They have entirely different patterns on their fur. Cloning does not completely elimate uniqueness. Also, current methods are prone to damage. You're sticking a needle into a cell, and you really expect there to be zero damage? Come on. Techniques will become more advanced, and damage will be less significant. Cloned humans are humans too, their "purpose" is whatever they want.
  25. It's no more correct than assuming the dimensions outside our space-time aren't part of an entirely different kind of space time.
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