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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. We use a PHP script called vBulletin. The messages and accounts are stored in a MySQL database. If you're interested in building a forum from a pre-made template like our site is, vBulletin is just about the best package you can get. Programming your own is really comlicated... and if you don't know where to start, you probably don't know enough PHP to get anywhere, I sure don't.
  2. Because that would not be accurate.
  3. Because imaginaries are solutions to the quadratic equation.
  4. Anyone got a cached copy of the log? The page was taken down.
  5. We were talking about the formation of matter from energy, not smaller particles of matter.
  6. So some forms of pure energy have a non-zero rest mass?
  7. If motion gives energy mass, how does energy move without mass?
  8. How does moving energy not have mass in some cases?
  9. Oh great, our missile defense system depends on Britain...
  10. Quality is of course directly related to budget.
  11. Computer animations keep getting better. Soon these movies will have computer effects compeletely indistinguishable from reality. I just downloaded 3D Studio MAX 5.1, should be fun
  12. One day the vast Fafalonian Empire will stretch forth its mighty hand of erudition and strike down cretinism the world over, ushering in a new era of enlightenment, advancement, and achievement.
  13. rofl. i salute him for serving evolution by eliminating himself from the gene pool!
  14. So where might I find 100% accurate refutes of evidence suggesting it has changed over time?
  15. it's not working ??? must have been made by a usf graduate
  16. that's a pretty severe display of ignorance, even for a usf student
  17. ::stares blankly trying to comprehend the depth of your idiocy::
  18. That and it's probably in base-10 rather than 6
  19. Generally the more times you watch it the more details you remember. I've practically got the entire script memorized
  20. Ohio state sucks
  21. Well since you want to be a pharmacist, you'll need it to get into graduate school, but then won't need it at all
  22. It would take a couple centuries to teraform the Earth after what it likes like it does in the movie. Only places near the core of the Earth are still warm.
  23. Using the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe algorithm, it is possible to calculate any digit in the hexadecimal expansion of pi without calculating any of the preceeding digits. :pi: = :lsum: (4/(8n+1) - 2/(8n+4) - 1/(8n+5) - 1/(8n+6))*(1/16)n for n=0 to :inf: Is there ever a hope of formulating an equivalent in decimal form? What does this say about whether pi might have an ending?
  24. G.M. Wang et al., Experimental Demonstration of Violations of the Second Law of Thermodaynamics for Small Systems and Short Time Scales, Physical Review Letters, 89(5), 29 July 2002. And if energy cannot be created, then it could not be in existence.
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