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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. The influence of gravity decreases proportional to distance; most objects are so far away from black holes that their velocity makes the pull of a black hole negligible. (Why doesn't the moon crash into Earth because of Earth's gravitational field? same thing.)
  2. That's a nice summary of what a primitive people understand about energy. Obviously we haven't got a clue. You have to consider the time frame we're thinking of aliens in. Anyone who has the audacity to claim our understanding of energy will hold true for millions of years really needs a crash course in history, and what we thought was absolutely impossible merely decades ago. Also, you're forgetting something about energy... it did organize itself into the matter of the universe.
  3. you're such a tree hugger. now you're saying the UN shouldn't be allowed to protect certain groups of people (the purpose of the no-fly zone).
  4. Yeah, now it's being the stupidest. Stupid people breed more
  5. If aliens were here, I strongly doubt they'd let the government keep their presence classified and not have it leak out. as to their existence, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever other species exist on other planets... but also not all aliens are superadvanced with intergalactic travel ability. think about the odds... the odds of a planet supporting life are extremely small; but billions of stars are in a galaxy. there's billions of galaxies, and just with those rough estimates, the chances have got to be alot better than 1 in a quintillion (10^18) of a star having a planet with earthlike conditions, and if there's earthlike conditions there's a very good chance of life developing.
  6. Using the given data you should also be able to solve for the molecular formula if its different from the empiricle... since with the Kb formula you can find moles, which is grams/formula weight, and with formula weight its easy to combine with the given proportions to obtain it.
  7. From what I've heard about US WOMD contingencies (both public and classified material), if Iraq used WOMDs on us, we would do the same and completely annihilate them in a matter of days.
  8. Well sorry if I said they don't have a recording device like a black box. I guess I should ask you for information about the space shuttle before stating what NASA officials said in the press conference I watched today. The data recorders on board are not designed to survive this kind of thing, but the cause of the accident would lie in the real time data that's transmitted to NASA. One can deduce whatever caused the problem led to the communication loss, and the communication loss wouldn't have happened before there was a problem... but what do NASA officials know... you guys obviously know alot more specification of the shuttle than them. oh right, conspiracy theories. like they'd say they had real time data feeds if they didn't want to acknowledge the idea.
  9. They shoot at planes patrolling the no-fly zone.
  10. We usually bomb thier anti-aircraft weapons back. The reason we don't do more is because of extreme leftist international cowardice.
  11. No, it's the Iraqii military doing it and Baghdad acknowledges it and refuses to stop.
  12. So Iraq should be allowed to attack our military all it wants and not have us fight back?
  13. So... how do you define attacking? Does it have to be on our home land? Opening fire on our aircraft over 100 times a year is ok?
  14. So I guess then we he finally attacks us we should surrender to avoid fighting. Damn leftists.
  15. Anyone who thinks we should have or could have taken a diplomatic road with Al-Qaeda in response to September 11th is a coward and should die a traitor's death.
  16. We learned this in 8th grade chem...
  17. They do. It's just not designed to survive an explosion of the space shuttle at 203000ft and 18 times the speed of sound. If you think you could design something that could, I'm sure NASA would have a job for you.
  18. Conservation of energy can obviously be violated, or no energy would exist. I don't fully understand the mechanisms of vacuum fluctuations that lead to a part-antiparticle pair spontaneously being created and destroyed, but that sounds like a violation of energy conservation too. The laws of thermodynamics are great for macroscopic systems under ordinary circumstances, but clearly do not always hold, especially at small scales. The 2nd law (entropy) has been confirmed to be violated in small systems in small amounts of time.
  19. Well obviously as the shuttle disintegrates the communication system isn't going to function all too well.
  20. The real time telemetry is transmitted directly to NASA.
  21. This had nothing to do with spending money on war or money in general. Furthermore, instead of blaming war for taking money, blame welfare and social security, helping people who are generally to stupid to help them selves is a huge and wrong drain on money.
  22. MR.X = George W. Bush (the other impersonator, not the president)
  23. Don't worry, there's about a 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent chance that it's a hoax.
  24. He's a democrat. And after Bill Clinton, Jerry Springer wouldn't surprise me.
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