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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. And furthermore if you read all the threads you would see what Zarkov got banned for, and no administrators or moderators (or any users for that matter) disagreed.
  2. I can ban you for being disrespectful. Not only disrespectful to me personally, but disrepectful to logic and science.
  3. There's at least a dozen countries with nuclear weapons.
  4. I gave the correct physiological evolutionary answer. Shut the hell up, you're a few more insolent remarks away from a ban.
  5. I just answered that.
  6. I just used intelligence agencies in my argument to provide further support for the countless things I've read about Iraq. Intelligence agencies are quite good at what they do, and if you think otherwise, odds are you don't have a good grasp of their operations.
  7. Depression is historically associated with events resulting in the loss of someone cared for; which jeopardizes reproduction, hence since depression is a negative feeling, it has an evolutionary advantage. The many causes of depression are incidental, and largly wouldn't exist with higher society, which wouldn't exist without language, which was a random mutation only a couple hundred thousand years ago, where depression was already fully developed, as it is in many higher organisms.
  8. 1) Technically no, but they knew full-well that a use-of-force resolution would be proposed if they failed to do so. And yes, they are bound to disclose them, but disappearing weapons does not provide a "currently accurate" report of the whereabouts of their weapons. 2) I seriously am bothered by your interpretation of this resolution. Basically you're saying Iraq is permitted to hide their weapons, this is not the case. 3) Wow, maybe you should be the director of our CIA or British Intelligence since your definition of a stable country is correct and their definitions are wrong.
  9. fafalone


    Well since there's new research every year and I doubt people would do older articles the teachers probably don't see all too many of the same reports.
  10. Adam, you live in the US and still don't understand anything.
  11. well no more posting in Relativity for you... [adam]
  12. Don't worry, as a drop out you never have to worry about experiencing Internet2.
  13. fafalone


    You don't need a computer. Most needs are just very strong wants.
  14. 1) Ok, but where's the evidence that the thousands of other warheads not accounted for have been deweaponised? There is none, Iraq continually refuses to account for them. 2) Iraq was required to account for what happened to their chemical weapons, therefore the deweaponisation should have been in their report. Furthermore, the warheads had been placed in the facility where they were found in only the past few years. 6) So a country where the northern groups and southern groups both want to overthrow the central group is stable. Uh huh. And Pakistan doesn't have an avowed hatred of the United States.
  15. I strongly doubt Iraq is all of a sudden going to start cooperating after over a decade of deception.
  16. Unfortunately now Internet 2 is primarily for universities and not the general public. Perhaps that will change sometime in the next 11 years for when I no longer go to a participating institution
  17. Since you're the only person not with PS reading ability now, I'm certainly not uploading PDFs for you, since this material is so obviously beyond your grasp anyway.
  18. Adam doesn't even know what an electron is
  19. Would you omit thousands and thousands of weapons with an imminent threat of force against you if you had any desire to avoid war?
  20. The fuel cells themselves will be clean, just not the manufacturing process. The only by-product of the fuel cells in the cars is water.
  21. There's a law on the books that makes suicide illegal. People have actually been criminally charged with attempted suicide.
  22. (1) The warheads they found were not declared in the report. They "forgot" about them. Ok. (2) It has been made clear by UN members that these warheads should have been declared. (3) It is unlikely the a security council member will use a veto, even if they oppose it. (4) The declaration required them to account for what happened to the weapons that they had. They did not do this. (6) No other unstable state that has aspirations of domination has the weapons of mass destructions capabilities that Iraq does.
  23. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be there.
  24. One way to isolate it is Mg + 2HCl -> MgCl2 + H2
  25. 2H2 + O2 -> 2HOH + energy
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