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Everything posted by fafalone

  1. I recommend reading the lectures I posted on GR http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=390 I don't believe there is an obvious direct connection, but there are sure to be some subtle connections worth exploring. This would be a bit above the undergraduate level, as both topics pretty much graduate work... but give it a go.
  2. Under current assumptions of the universe, __.. q=RR/.R2=(4*pi*kappa*d)/3H2 where H is Hubble's constant, d is the density of the universe, and W is the amount of energy in the universe, we have 3 possible outcomes: k, W = 0, q=1/2... rate of expansion -> 0 | t->:inf: k=-1, W<0, q<1/2... rate > 0 forever. k=1, W>0, q>1/2... big crunch What I wish to discuss is possible ways to measure H, either through observation or equating terms with other equations. Also, I'm not sure why we can get the possible value somewhere within 25 of 75 but not closer, anyone care to enlighten me?
  3. Wow. By far the record. This far surpassed the old 208. Great job everyone, let's keep it up!
  4. It depends on how you look at it; as the theory goes it may be possible to simplify, but we're definately not certain yet.
  5. misinformation
  6. I believe that it's possible some effects of gravitational red and blue shift might be related to limitation in the ability of our lenses; such as limitations on focus, even with non-optic basic observations like x-rays.
  7. 600 million kelvin seems awfully hot for the ship to withstand even if it's relatively far away (back by the engines)
  8. I subscribe to the quantum physics that leads you to finding that there are 26 dimensions.
  9. fafalone


    Just admit you're a cretin.
  10. fafalone


    So objectively, you are quite wrong. You think you're right, but in the factual world, you are wrong. Just because you believe it doesn't make it true.
  11. fafalone


    Yeah. My mom dragged me to one once when I was younger. I pointed out the exact methods I just described. She said "you have to believe". So apparently she was only correct if I subjectively thought so. Objectively she was wrong.
  12. fafalone


    Disprove it indeed. Thanks for admitted I've disproved you.
  13. fafalone


    Psychics start out with things so general they apply to others, then rely on feedback of the subject and determine where to go from there. No mind reading is involved.
  14. This forum is to talk about everything related to education in the sciences. Adam may not post in this forum, as he is a dropout, which explains alot of things.
  15. fafalone


    Actually I spend quite a bit of time researching REAL conspiracies. Not this psychic crap you're rambling on about.
  16. fafalone


  17. fafalone


    Who demanded the recounts? Gore. Sounds like a Democratic conspiracy to get him more votes.
  18. fafalone


    Yeah, it's called making the ballot too hard for democrats to read, because straight lines hhuhhhh
  19. fafalone


    It was all over the news 24/7 for weeks. Some coverup that was. The supreme court was right in halting it, enough is enough. there would still be recounting if the court hadn't stopped it.
  20. fafalone


    The comment was to adam, in case you thought it was towards you :/
  21. fafalone


    The red cross isn't the government.
  22. Actually a good deal of the governments policy is heavily influences by the church.
  23. fafalone


    You couldn't possibly be more ignorant.
  24. It just doesn't grow larger than that in normal conditions; the life cycle doesn't allow it. Extreme polyploidy (some of the record holding plants have had 8+ full sets) simply doesn't occur naturally.
  25. fafalone


    Well since Nature is a British journal, I doubt the US government could do anything about it. Our government is dead set against cloning, doesn't stop information about that from getting out.
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