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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Induction is different from empiricism.
  2. No, you use empirical evidence to justify them. You don't have a clue about the scientific method, do you? Read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn and some Karl Popper.
  3. I'm afraid they do change. Quite a lot actually. That's your argument down the drain then.
  4. I just read whatever's on the front page.
  5. No they can't, except by annihilation with positrons, which is a well explained phenomenon. Evidence ta.
  6. Evaporation happens over time you know... You're also confused about the whole 'multiple universe' things. They're not like, say, people in a swimming pool; self contained but all existing in the same medium.
  7. That only reinforces what I've been saying, which itself reinforces what I've been saying. I like truist arguments.
  8. He looks surprisingly like, say, a spokesman for NASA.
  9. JaKiri


    If we're talking modern physics, then 'zero point energy'. Anyway, what if the vacuum's full of phlogiston?
  10. No, not that. The thing next to the edit button. I missed it see, because I never look up there, just like when I didn't see the edit button.
  11. Because mental developement is theorised to increase to 16. ps. I'm afraid your scores show that the test is not a good indicator of intellegence. I'm sorry, but it's true. You're not one of the most intellegent 0.001% in the country.
  12. No, you don't know. Intellegence is assumed to be a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and standard deviation 10 (if memory serves [about the sd bit anyway]). Tests measure your aptitude at them, independent of your age.
  13. What happened to the thing that tells you when individual posts are made?
  14. JaKiri


    Gamma are photons?
  15. JaKiri


    They didn't exist in Newtonian physics
  16. You have two eyes. Three dimensional vision is implied by their combined use.
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