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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. What? It wasn't a 2D screen, it was through perspective in 3D.
  2. If you want to argue, take it up with the theoretical physics department at warwick university. ps. Although some people can 'see' it and some people can't.
  3. I've seen a hypercube. It was made in perspective in 3d.
  4. JaKiri


    It's not devoid of energy ('zero point energy')
  5. This is the question I liked the most from my STEP exam today. 13. In a rabbit warren, underground chambers A, B, C and D are at the vertices of a square, and burrows join A to B, B to C, C to D and D to A. Each of the chambers also has a tunnel to the surface. A rabbit finding itself in any chamber runs along one of the two burrows to a neighbouring chamber, or leaves the burrow through the tunnel to the surface. Each of these three possibilities is equally likely. Let pa, pb, pc and pd be the probabilities of a rabbit leaving the burrow through the tunnel from chamber A, given it is currently in chamber A, B, C or D, respectively. (i) Explain why pa = 1/3 + (1/3)pb + (1/3)pd. (ii) Determine pa. (iii) Find the probability that a rabbit which starts in chamber A does not visit chamber C, given that it eventually leaves the burrow through the tunnel in chamber A. GO.
  6. Stop using the same avatar, it's confusing
  7. The UK is currently trying to copy the US; education appears to be coming in only for the richest and the poorest.
  8. What the hell kind of question is that? Photons aren't produced by electrons.
  9. It's not a demonstration of intellegence though, so it's not really an 'intellegence quotient'
  10. I don't really see the point of the warp core dump mechanism. The guy who designed chenobyl must have saved his best work for the federation. I mean, what's the point of something which breaks the instant you might need it?
  11. They're an interesting representation how theories can throw up unexpected results; the existance of black holes (or at least the evidence for them) is one of the strongest things in favour of general relativity imo.
  12. IQ tests aren't a test for anything except aptitude for IQ tests.
  13. The answer is the egg by evolutionary theory btw, and I believe that's what he's referring to.
  14. Zero point energy isn't the same as an ether. The relative nature of space is independent of it; an ether implies absolute positioning. Someone else can deal with the rest, I have to pack.
  15. There was a creationist at christs. Historian. Never got to meet him. Bloody arts students.
  16. Centripetal force is entirely made up (under normal circmumstances) from gravitational force. Most people don't 'get' that it's not a force in it's own right, it's just something that is mathematically required to have rotation around a point at constant radius. Centripetal acceleration + gravitational force =/= weight. Gravitational force = weight. It's just that you'll get a slightly lesser value for the normal reaction because some of the force is 'used' mantaining rotational movement.
  17. How can your model have no electrons? They EXIST. There's NO ARGUMENT.
  18. Something with the same reactions as copper can't possibly be a metal. Whether something is metallic or not is determined by how it reacts.
  19. I'm afraid you're wrong. If there is such widespread evidence of General Relativity being incorrect, why haven't we heard more about it?
  20. I don't see why we have to have the 'force required to stop it accelerating' business. It's just the force applied by the presence of another mass. That statement in the book is just wrong though.
  21. i is the square root of minus 1. It's just a number.
  22. You were criticising him for something that's assumed in all current major theories.
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