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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Don't make baby jesus cry by saying you can split hither-to elementary particles. It's wrong on so many levels.
  2. The Grand Theft Auto series are, all things considered, pretty harmless. What's more damaging is the culture that gangsters and the like are 'cool', in film, music and television; studies have showed that those do change peoples' perspective on life, whilst games don't. Well, the actual study was 'do games make people more violent'. The answer's no. And if anyone disagrees I'll KILL THEM.
  3. Now, saying 'the mathematics has been done' would be all fine and dandy if anyone of us had heard of it. Humour us and post it again please.
  4. It isn't simple at all though, and is just plain wrong. How do you explain the possibly colour differences in copper, say? They're all the same atoms.
  5. Is there some sort of connection between these two comments that I don't 'get'?
  6. Then entropy will only decrease in that system, but it will increase (and increase by a larger amount than it decreases) elsewhere. No perpetual motion machines, remember? Remember, the law states that entropy always increases in a closed system. You're putting energy in to make that more stable form, so it's hardly a closed system. ps. 'Conventional' as in the ones we experience in every day life, and not the spacial dimensions of M-theory, curled up in a Calibi-Yau space.
  7. I thought the thermodynamic arrow of time was the direction in which entropy increased?
  8. What it refers to is that those are the dimensions that make up 'conventional' space.
  9. A mobius strip has a mere two sides. 2D object agogo! [edit] Before anyone says anything, I know mobius strips are 3 dimensional, and that the two 'sides' are two planar faces, rather than the 1 dimensional sides of a 2D object. [edit the second] There are 3 spacial dimensions and 1 non-spacial dimension, not t'other way around. The three spacials being length, height and bredth and the non-spacial being time.
  10. Quantum physics would tend to disagree, at least on some level. In any case, the illusion of free will is as good as free will to all intents and purposes; empirically, there is no difference, so how can you justify your argument?
  11. Nothing at all, and he refuses to listen. Ps. Michael F.D., you stated that there are no gaps between atoms in a solid material. Then you stated that there is no gap between any given adjacent pair of nucleii, in terms of atoms. Make up your mind.
  12. It would take infinite energy for us to travel at light speed because we have rest mass, and the mass of objects with rest mass increases to infinity as c is approached. Light can travel at light speed because it has NO rest mass. Look in the Lorenz Transforms that are posted in this board.
  13. Distortions in the atmosphere make it seem like they flicker.
  14. He's trying to say that colour is the result of the 'colour' property of the gluons, and therefore confusing a label and a property.
  15. Even if you could travel at c (LOWER CASE), which you can't, the light would still move away from you at c.
  16. c (It's LOWER CASE GUYS) is the speed of light in a vacuum, and is defined as 299792458ms^-1
  17. That will be never, unless you stop believing that the colour of an object is independent of the gluon interactions. I mean, what?
  18. Light always travels at c relative to you (ignoring the effects of the medium), no matter what speed you're going at. The current load of ideas of how to acheive translight speeds usually involve warping space/time so you only go faster than c to observers, but not relative to the space you're occupying. If you see what I mean.
  20. It has done in the past, 'superinflationary stage' or somesuch
  21. Not cancer though. Too hard to individually target.
  22. Dark Matter is matter than only interacts through gravity (ie you can't see it by trying to look for it). It's like the invisable man; you can't see it, but you know it's there because of the effect it has on other things. The other things being in this case the rotation of the galaxy; under current models, the galaxy has too little mass to be spinning the way it does, so it's theorised that there is some that we can't see.
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