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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. All significant events in the 20th century happened in 1945. Want the proof? VE day. VJ day. The dropping of the atom bomb. Those all happened in 1945, what are the chances of that?
  2. That's true, but the change of mass between something at 3K and 0K is negligable. It's the same change in mass if you cool something by 3 degrees.
  3. Those two are mutually exclusive, unless you're referring to a third party like the Zimbabweans.
  4. Australia is almost entirely desert-like wasteland.
  5. JaKiri


    'Rationalizing' must be incorrect, and must also be to support ones own actions. Unless you mean 'to make rational', in which case, thanks for the recognition. Furthermore, breaking copyright law isn't stealing. It's 'copyright theft', which is a seperate, if over emotive, term.
  6. JaKiri


    That's not really true, as the number of people who can do such a thing is rather limited.
  7. Gravity doesn't necessarily cause something to move. Lagrange points.
  8. How can you agree then? It was 'good'. It was nowhere near the standard of HL1/2, NOLF1/2 or Deus Ex.
  9. General Discussions, amazingly. Also, you should have searched for 'quotes', not 'quote'.
  10. Halo was rushed, and is repetitive and badly designed. These are things that Bungie have said themselves, so I'm not exactly breaking new ground here.
  11. JaKiri


    I don't think you've understood. If you have the capability to receive satellite signals, then, assuming you can decode them (which I imagine would be fairly trivial if you can find the relevent information online), you get the service provided by the satellite provider without paying for it. You see?
  12. JaKiri


    It's not 'stealing', but it's not morally valid; in any case, I suspect that the contract with the satellite providers say that the decoder card is still their property, and you are only licensed to do certain things with it.
  13. JaKiri


    Legally is different from morally. I know many countries don't have IP laws, or acknowledge global copyright. That makes it ok for people from those countries to do whatever, yeah? I've said why I don't think it is. Can you make a counterargument? In what sense? Intellectual property isn't something you can possess, it's abstract at best. 'Property' (and property laws) are based on definites, not abstracts. You've stated this before, with no evidence. Obviously it's opinion, but why are you saying it so strongly? Where's the justification?
  14. Halo is overrated Doom 3 is overrated Half Life 2 is the best game ever.
  15. We do not need 2 threads for the posting of quotes, most of which have been in the other thread already. Back on topic please.
  16. JaKiri


    It was more referring to the earlier one ('So, what do you do? Steal yours?'); the post just happened to pop into my head at the time.
  17. Many communities do not use the arabic method of counting, but by and large they are ones from history, or ones that are not in global communication.
  18. JaKiri


    Incorrect. 'Stealing' is a term which has been hijacked out of all proportion by the RIAA and the like. Stealing is defined as (basically) 'taking an object without permission'. If I steal an object from someone's home, they are deprived of the use of that object; I stole it. They don't have it any more. If I 'steal' music, or films, or whatever, from the producing companies, they have not lost the use of it. They have not lost any money. What have I taken from them? They have only lost the potential revenue which they may have received had I chosen to buy the product*. These two situations are hardly analogous, are they? *They may not even lose that. It is fairly common, at least in groups with either disposable cash or some form of respect for the needs of the makers, to view downloading music, films or games as a 'trial', and to buy the product if it meets their requirements, in which case they've gained money, given it's fairly likely that noone was ever going to buy everything that it is possible to download, and there's a large amount of 'good stuff' which is fairly obscure or unanticipatedly brilliant. Finally, a more generic point: Relative to other sections of the entertainment industry, the amount of music bought has been rising continuously, even through the rise of the P2P programs.
  19. Here's the problem. I don't believe killing (bar euthanasia) to be justified under any circumstances. Why do you? I wasn't sure how you reached this conclusion, until I realised that, because you don't regard killing as immoral, the only objection to genocide could be a justice based one. Of course, you're assuming your views extend to other members of the populace, which is unsupported.
  20. TIM IS TRYING TO FORCE OPEN THE DOOR OF A SMALL BOOTH AT THE SIDE OF THE LOBBY. THE DOOR SAYS 'AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY'. TIM IS NOT HAVING MUCH SUCCESS. THERE IS A SMALL KEYPAD BY THE DOOR. Tim: Hey Ed, Three, come over here. Three: What's in there? Tim: I don't know. Three: Then why do we care about getting in? Tim: It's a reinforced steel door, and it says 'Authorized Personnel Only', so whatever's in there, it's got to be good. Ed: He's got a point, Three. Tim: Bah, it's not budging. We need to guess the code. TIM TYPES IN A SERIES OF NUMBERS. Tim: OK, so it's not 1111. How about.... 1112! No, it's not that either. (EVERY SUBSEQUENT TIME A NUMBER IS MENTIONED, IT'S TYPED IN) Three: Listen, this is getting us nowhere. We need to THINK our way out of this problem. Tim: Go on... Three: What's the museum's most famous exhibit? Tim: Well, it's probably the collection of Crusades stuff, but I don't see how tha- Three: Bear with me here. The crusades. Crusades? Crusader Knights? Knights Templar. Tim: O...K. Three: Secondly, who OWNS the museum? Tim: The... government? Three: Right! Thirdly, who's got a big exhibition on at the moment? Germany, that's who. And what links the Knights Templar, the government and Germany? Tim: What? Three: Exactly! The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria! Therefore, the code MUST be 1748. Tim: 1748? Ed: Don't you know (expletive deleted) anything? It's the year Adam Weishaupt was born. Tim: I'm still pretty sceptical how this is supposed to get us anywhere. Ed: Shut the (expletive deleted) up Tim. Punch it, Three. NOTHING HAPPENS. Tim: See? I told you it wouldn't work. TIM WALKS OUT OF SHOT Ed: I said SHUT THE (expletive deleted) UP, Tim. Three: Well, if it isn't 1748, it must be 1963. Kennedy Assassination. (expletive deleted), not that either. Oh! Law of Fives! (TYPES IN 5555) (expletive deleted). Tim (WALKING BACK INTO SHOT): You're not even close. It's 6257. Ed: How the (expletive deleted) did you know? Tim: I looked on the corpse of that security guard. (WAVES WALLETY THING WITH LOTS OF CARDS) TIM WALKS UP AND PUNCHES IN THE CODE. THE LIGHT ON THE KEYPAD TURNS GREEN. Three: I can't believe I missed it. It was so simple. I was so close. Tim: Forgive me if I don't believe you. Three: (IGNORING TIM) The year Dillinger was shot subtracted from the end of the First World War reversed. How can I have missed that?
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