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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. JaKiri


    Good man. Anyway, back on topic, the iRiver is a great piece of kit. So is the iPod. I wouldn't mind having either, although I've made my preference known.
  2. Creation of order. But creation of order creates more chaos than the order anyway.
  3. JaKiri


    I use winamp5. On PC, at least, it does more than iTunes (as a player), with less of a footprint.
  4. JaKiri


    You can use hard disk mp3 players for file transfer.... it's much better, surely, because there's less of a limit on inidivudal file size. And the iPod does have a fault... it's called iTunes. The only thing that makes it harder to copy is DRM, and that, like things like SecureROM, generally proves to be much more annoying to people who actually own the item in question; it has no repurcussions to the large scale operations it's supposedly designed to stop.
  5. JaKiri


    You CANNOT get a 40Gb flash player. That would cost in the region of £2-4,000 if it is at all possible. By and large, you don't get flash players over 512mb (although this is increasing to 1Gb now), and they cost in the region of £100 (these are branded ones, by the way). 40 (or 80) times the storage for twice the cost? A good deal, no?
  6. JaKiri


    If you mean the one you linked to, then the iPod is made by apple, and, as was said, is a hard drive player. This means up to 40Gb of storage, for about £200-250.
  7. JaKiri


    The iPod.... is an mp3 player. MP3 is a music format, not a make of media player.
  8. JaKiri


    The Rio Karma supports FLAC.
  9. JaKiri


    I've had music in 2 formats from online sources: mp3 and ogg. By and large, people I know (both in real life and over the internet) use ogg for music of higher quality, when not using a lossless codec such as FLAC. Most of the high quality film rips I see nowadays have Ogg Vorbis as the audio codec. Admittedly, I'm in a rarified environment; however, re: the matter at hand, I don't see what advantages the iPod has over the iRiver other than it can play the Apple proprietry codec, and I don't really see the point of encoding music into a proprietry format in the first place.
  10. JaKiri


    What the? The maximum size of the iPod is 40Gb. The maximum size of the iRiver is 40Gb.
  11. Very easily. Unless we can prove that they're point masses (this isn't as truistic as it appears), the only thing we can do is put limitations on their size. This is what has been done.
  12. JaKiri


    You're either in error factually or gramatically. IPods play very few formats. The iRiver (can't remember the serial, the 40gb b&w one) is the best one out there at the moment.
  13. That makes it even stranger that you haven't read it. I'm amazed you can't comprehend something you yourself wrote.
  14. That's perfectly true. You're missing out the part where it puts it ALL BACK AGAIN' date=' so succinctly summed up in the article by the statement: atmosphere change = 0
  15. Now with highlights! Atmosphere --> terrestrial vegetation 120 Photosynthesis Terrestrial vegetation --> atmosphere 60 Respiration Terrestrial vegetation --> soils & detritus 60 Soils & detritus --> atmosphere 60 Respiration --------------- atmosphere change = 0 Read -> Comprehend -> Post. [edit] Just in case it needed more emphasis... atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0 atmosphere change = 0
  16. Are they aspect seeking or fly by wire?
  17. The greater irony is the SPAG mistake in his edit message saying he's corrected a grammar mistake.
  18. I'm substantially more well informed by you, living, on top of other factors, in a house with a genetics student and a research geneticist. Whilst there are some areas which are still unknown to us, they are by and large of the form 'we do not know how this specific evolutionary modification occured' which is fair enough if you think about it, because specific evolution is random. In terms of general mechanics and the like, it's probably the (non-physical) theory with the LARGEST BODY OF EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT. [edit] That's ignoring, of course, the fact that your reply to my post makes no sense at all. I said 'I know not of any flaws'. This doesn't imply dogmatic faith. Two points. 1. All states are transitionary states. You haven't specifically mentioned this kind of problem, but the cut of your arguments implies that it may not be clear to you that evolution is constant and minor. Between fish and birds, we didn't have some kind of fishbird which was 'evolution'. Nothing is static. Everything is evolving. Except maybe some kinds of fruit trees, because they're reproduced by cloning. 2. Things are evolving constantly all the time. Yes, even humans. The unwieldiness of that sentence was an attempt to get across to you JUST HOW MUCH EVIDENCE THERE IS FOR THIS. I know this was partially covered in my above comment, but this is such a BIG thing you don't appear to have grasped that it was worth repeating with a section in block capitals.
  19. Your 200 year old constitution was written by a liberal in the european tradition who thought that religion was tyranny over the minds of men.
  20. Drunk! On the interweb! That aside, I know not of any flaw in evolutionary mechanics, and the findings of science flat out contradict large sections of the bible.
  21. This is a great thread. ES, Sayonara has a biology degree. You admit to being clueless about the subject, and appear to not have read your own sources.
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