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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Your steps don't make sense. And another, very similar, justification for a^-y, (using e because I can't be bothered with the subscript, but the argument's the same) -lnx = y lnx^-1 = y x^-1 = e^y x = 1/e^y x = e^-y
  2. The two body problem. Durr.
  3. It's fairly pointless putting someone in charge of a section which is just as, if not more, representative of the forum than any other given forum if you can't trust them.
  4. How many of them do we want to become mods, though.
  5. If you're not doing a masters or higher, all maths is 'old' maths. Calculus is concerned with the rate of change of variables, and how you can get between them; for instance, how to get from distance, to speed, to acceleration and back again. It is by far the most useful piece of mathematics ever devised.
  6. That site doesn't work with either Firefox or Opera. It makes me a sad panda.
  7. The difficulty is finding a spanish mod and a french mod.
  8. Negative mass is something quite different, and has been hypothesised as being required for wormhole travel, as in the centre repulsion, rather than attraction, is required, and the only way to acquire this from gravitation forces is with negative mass. This then implies (or is implied by, I forgot the reasoning) negative energy. Of course, the wormhole thing is entirely incidental, but then again I haven't seen anything on this for a few years so god knows what's happening now. I'm afraid it would; special relativity has nothing to do with the phases of matter, merely mass and relative velocity.
  9. She likes astrology. Logic can't be a strong point.
  10. Can do what? Introduce random variation? Is sexual reproduction 'aliens'? Radiation? Thread moved.
  11. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=intelligible&r=67
  12. You still haven't replied
  13. It's almost certainly the most spoken on the internet, even if your statistic is true.
  14. That's not 'breathing'. I don't know what this means. Most adult trees use more oxygen than they produce. Almost all the oxygen production in the world is done by plankton.
  15. As I said before, you have no concept of mathematical proof. You can't prove it by doing it for 100 numbers. For 1000. For 10^10^10^10^10. Because no matter how many numbers you test it with, there are still INFINITE numbers that can still apply. What if it breaks with 10^10^10^10^10 + 1? You need to prove it irrevocably for all numbers, or admit that you can't prove it and you're just being a foolish person, or this thread will be closed pretty quickly.
  16. Sulpher Dioxide makes Sulphurous Acid, which is H2SO3.
  17. In which case, it becomes useless, given it's entirely arbitrary which bits are true and which bits aren't; it's useless as a teaching guide, and to claim to be able to second guess god is the highest arrogance.
  18. Farenheit 451 is not the temperature when paper burns, it's just something arbitrary he made up.
  19. Answering his questions, starting with a correction with one of your answers: Incorrect, sort of. There will be drag even in a perfect vacuum, from the quantum fuzz and background microwave radiation. The next one... Force isn't work. The next one... Force isn't work. The next one... It's the propogation speed. It's nothing to do with the light accelerating or decelerating. The next one... The Twin Paradox is NOT A PARADOX. Furthermore, he's ignoring the effect of acceleration, both in moving the plane, and due to gravity. The next one... I've no idea what this is supposed to MEAN. The next one... It's just like talking to a creationist.
  20. Won't hurt, but won't particularly help, either. Calculus is to this kind of stuff what addition is to calculus.
  21. That's not precluded by science per se, it's just not allowed under current modelling. Science, supposedly, is designed around being able to gather information from as few preconceptions as possible, ideally zero. Plus, the laws of thermodynamics (especially the 2nd law) are more like guidelines.
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