God knows the name. It's just recession speed ( a+b/1+ab/c^2 ).
Which ever one accelerates.
To copy and paste a bit of a post I made earlier this month (which is why it doesn't make sense):
Acceleration breaks the symmetry. Notice in the twin example, the one that, in the end, suffered the effects had accelerated in the middle; let us examine the Twin Paradox again.
In this case, the twins are in two spaceships, travelling at constant velocity away from eachother. One thinks (rightly) that the other is suffering time dilation relative to him, and the other thinks (rightly) the opposite. (The key word there is relative. No pun intended.) However, if Twin 1 accelerates, and travels back to Twin 2, Twin 1 has aged slowly and Twin 2 has aged quickly.
Why this result? As I said before, it's because of the acceleration. Remember, all our observations are made relative to rest frames.
As Twin 1 has accelerated, he's now moving relative to his (former) rest frame, and so suffers time dilation relative to it. If you look at his new rest frame, then he was travelling relative to it before he accelerated, and so is time dilated in that one too. To summarise: if you accelerate, there is no longer any rest frame in which, relative to it, you have not been moving, and therefore will always suffer time dilation.