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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Electricity is a flow of electrons between areas of differing electrical potential, basically (like the plus and minus on a battery).
  2. That is actually explained, because all the major life forms of the galaxy are descended from one species (TNG; 'The Chase'). Of course, there's stuff like species 8934180241272, if you want something 'different' and 'bad cg'.
  3. Given I neither suggested nor endorsed the link, I don't see how something someone else does in any way relates to my argument. Re: 'There is no "space" for the "universes" to coinhabit.' Yes, that's what I've been saying (as a possibility) all along.
  4. Lords may or may not be hereditory; however, the recent peerages given out have been life peerages, not hereditory.
  5. Earthquakes are pretty chaotic, in both the strict and general meanings of the term.
  6. Thomas Aquinas isn't the best guide to good english. Just use more and different words; variety being the spice and all that.
  7. Aside from the anthropic principle, yep.
  8. The main problem here is that the only physical things (ignoring stuff like half life, and so forth) you can measure of a particle are mass and charge. An electron is indivisible; once you know the mass and the charge, you know everything about a generic electron that you can possibly know. There isn't some finer structure, it isn't made of anything else, it just is. We can't even be sure it has volume in the conventional sense, aside from its probability shell. The only thing particles are made of are other, smaller, particles, and there's only so far this goes on for before you hit the bottom of the well; they're not like rocks, you can't cut them up and see what they're like inside; they're the way they are because... they're the way they are. Addendum: Protons and neutrons (and all hadrons) are made up of Quarks, but so far quarks have been found to be indivisible, so that's where the buck stops for the moment.
  9. Acquire more vocab, it helps to make your conversing more flowery.
  10. I prefer the slightly more succinct 'Iliterate' (That's a pun, before anyone says anything)
  11. That's basically it. Marx didn't really write much about the practicalities of governance.
  12. Captrain Brannigan can do some things extremely well, like killing pacifists. Anyway, being a moron doesn't preclude the ability to do things, just the ability to do anything clever.
  13. They can be distinct and still not be 'seperated' you know; as I said, look at the electrons. This is kind of axiomic if you're not assuming a dimensional system which the universes coexist in.
  14. It's common courtesy, as it makes a post much easier to read and understand. Something like the preceeding sentence, for example, is much better than u no notin wtf ur fag, you see. God help the education system.
  15. Maybe it's just that you're really bad at expressing yourself. And the post above me has broken the forum tables something wicked, to use the kind of language you young people are so fond of.
  16. Why do they have to be seperated by some kind of dimension for one to be distinct from another? I'm not getting your justification for this.
  17. Why do they have to be? Two electrons can occupy the same space and still be different entities.
  18. OK, lets do this simply. 1. The 'money/resources' issue was only when searching for life, not contemplating the possible existance of life. 2. The only ruling out of lifeforms that has been done was in the core of a gas giant, because I suspected that no compound would be realistically likely to exist in those conditions, especially not one as complex as life. 3. You were the one who started saying 1+1=1 (Which it does, for small values of 1.) Sayonara gave a list of things where discovering life similar to that on earth would advance our knowledge of many things (evolutionary theory especially) where discovering unrelated life would not. In any experiment, you want to change as few factors as possible from the control, otherwise it's pointless. I pray for the love of god that your native language isn't English, because such comprehensive mistakes of comprehension (not to mention your poor SPAG) could only be representative of a terrible schooling system.
  19. Re: the bubbles thing, I suspect (and indeed know) that it gets very old very fast.
  20. Why do they have to be seperated? As I said, you're stuck around the concept of the universes occupying some place in a metaverse like stars in a galaxy (or somesuch). This doesn't necessarily have to be the case.
  21. There probably will be somewhere, although I don't really see the point.
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