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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. I know about equilibrea, what with having studied that chemistry thing at university. However, where equilibrea and their ilk apply to formal logic I'd like you to tell me, it's quite a mystery at my end.
  2. Mathematics is all about familiarity though, so that makes sense.
  3. Opera gives me everything I need, out of the box.
  4. No, it's because IQ doesn't measure anything other than your ability to do tests in the style of the questions on the IQ test. The assumption that 'intellect' can be measured, and quantified, is one that isn't even close to have been proven, especially not when the tests are so misapplied as they are by the general populace (IQ tests were designed to be one individual part of a multitude of tests, to establish your abilities at certain tasks then gauge your intellect from them, not as a be all and end all)
  5. STEP is the half way house between A-level and degree; it's not about axiomic proof, but it's about actually thinking your way through a problem instead of being lead every step of the way.
  6. On a secret mission from the secret world government to save the world from a secret conspiracy made of secret lizards.
  7. It's skinnable, dude. (And comes with a few, and a 'find new skins' button) And I don't really care about the banner, but if you do, buy it. Or get a 'trial' version from suprnova or equivilent.
  8. A few things: 1. Science is (not?) subjective? Science is inherently subjective, since it is based on observation. Mathematics, on the other hand, isn't. It is based on logic and a set of axioms. 2. Biology is (not?) science? What do you mean by 'biology'? Most of today's is of the order of biochem, or the like; it's not looking at Red Deer and saying that their population wavers because they're engaged in a war with the Grey Squirrel, like it was 200 years ago. 3. Science is (not?) physics? Physics is what all sciences can be reduced to, because everything exists on the sufferance of natural laws. Chemistry, Biology, Metallurgy, Geology and whatever you would like to name, are sciences because they follow the scientific method, they don't have to be completely distinct from other areas to be counted as such.
  9. Because that's not what the homework requires; whilst it's adequate shorthand, it's useless for establishing a grounding in the mechanisms of aqueation.
  10. Unless you've sat step, in which case it's pretty similar.
  11. It's perfectly possible to find a code which will give you all major future events in the next 100 years by plugging in a Tom Clancy novel, but the problem is you don't know which one is right until the hundred years are up
  12. A -> B does not mean B -> A.
  13. You do know that not all particles are charged, right?
  14. 'Broadband' refers to DSL and T1 as well. Of course, if you remove it, you're missing out whole chunks of connection type that exist between T1 and DSL. Doing it as connection speed may also be a good idea, because DSL can be from 128k to 6Mb (or thereabouts)
  15. It's called the photon. You may have heard of it.
  16. That's.... for gravity. Not Electromagnetics.
  17. No, individual atoms would (almost certainly) not move through the object. Think about you moving through a gas, like the air; the air doesn't pass through you, you just push it aside.
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