A few things:
1. Science is (not?) subjective?
Science is inherently subjective, since it is based on observation. Mathematics, on the other hand, isn't. It is based on logic and a set of axioms.
2. Biology is (not?) science?
What do you mean by 'biology'? Most of today's is of the order of biochem, or the like; it's not looking at Red Deer and saying that their population wavers because they're engaged in a war with the Grey Squirrel, like it was 200 years ago.
3. Science is (not?) physics?
Physics is what all sciences can be reduced to, because everything exists on the sufferance of natural laws. Chemistry, Biology, Metallurgy, Geology and whatever you would like to name, are sciences because they follow the scientific method, they don't have to be completely distinct from other areas to be counted as such.