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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. No, it doesn't. It's pretty normal for a boson.
  2. c = 299792458ms^-1, the speed of light in a vacuum. And NO THEY'RE NOT ONLY GOING HALF c I gave you the sodding equation TWICE, USE IT.
  3. It's not a filthy cat, I sometimes find it sleeping in the bath.
  4. People didn't think the earth being a spheroid was sensible either.
  5. Most of them approximate velocity from other measurements rather than speed, though.
  6. No. a+b is a fine working approximate until you reach higher velocities.
  7. If you want to add speeds a and b (well, velocities strictly speaking) it IS NOT a + b. It's (a+b)/(1+ab/c^2)
  9. No. They're actually seperating at 99.999999999998887mph. [edit] And read my FIRST POST IN THE THREAD, I went over this.
  10. Nope. c. [edit] If it WAS c/2, the combined speed would only be 3/4 c.
  11. Those factors are nigh on irrelevent for this question though.
  12. Oh, and to answer the first question: Saying it's the 'electronic structure' is extremely vague. Everything in chemistry is due to electronic structure. The basic reason for this property is the way that metals bond. The outer electrons detach and become delocalised, not tied to any individual atom. The metal atoms are held together in the lattice structure by this 'sea of electrons'. However, as there aren't bonds between specific atoms, the atoms are relatively free to move, which means that you can cut it, bend it, or whatever, with relatively small effects on the rest of the structure.
  13. I don't really see the need of posting these when I looked at my textbooks and found out I was in error about 5 minutes before you posted, and edited to that effect.
  14. I think you'll find that you were the one who brought semantics into it. 'You used the wrong word!' 'No he didn't' 'I don't like this argument'
  15. Hold on, I'm in error. However, it doesn't mean that you're right earlier, though.
  16. Yes it would be, by the definition of 'make', which includes 'To change from one form or function to another:' 'To achieve, produce, or attain:' 'To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material;'
  17. At the current rate, I do not feel that attacking either Afghanistan or Iraq was a good move, for the people there or for national security. Or for drugs control, for that matter.
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