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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Because of Special Relativity, which is the metaphysical explanation for several phenomena, most noteably Michaelson-Morely. There's a sticky about it (I think) in the relativity forum.
  2. They're not different at all. All the exchange particles travel at c, and have similar relitavistic effects.
  3. You're totally wrong. Specific heat capacity has nothing to do with amount of energy transfer at a given temperature.
  4. It doesn't affect competition, though, because you can't use it on other editions of WMP either In fact, it encourages people to use programs like MusicMatch. [edit] And the quote in your sig is incorrect; it's from 'overseas', not 'abroad', which makes sense, because quite a lot of imports will come into the US over land, from Mexico and Canada.
  5. A rectangular prism is a cuboid. There's even a picture of one IN THE THREAD.
  6. I'd suspect that the spherical die (it's not dice fellas, that's the plural) of, say, 20 sides would have a 20 sided interior, and the weight comes to rest on one of them. A rectangular die would roll, just not as well or as much.
  7. No. Light is affected by the medium it travels though, as well as gravity. The speed of light isn't affected by the speed of the observer.
  8. JaKiri

    help needed!

    Add it to water, not the other way round.
  9. That's not really a criticism of WMP though, is it. It's a criticism of the antipiracy software.
  10. You can get codecs for everything to run on WMP, and things like PowerDVD run most things anyway. And I don't see how there's a problem with intercompatability; the only vaguely nonuniversal (anything that can be run using winamp v2 (2.91 to be precise) isn't counted as restricted) video media are Quicktime and Realplayer formats.
  11. They try really really hard to stop you finding the free one on the RP site. I gave up and downloaded a .rm codec for WMP. Furthermore, assuming you're correct (which you're not) in your statement that they're all free, how is supplying one free MP, thereby dissauding people from downloading another free MP anticompetetive? It's not like anyone's making any money out of it. Oh, and it doesn't really address the problem that people generally don't use QT or RP because they're rubbish
  12. JaKiri

    help needed!

    You'd better hope the neutralistation reaction produces something water soluable.
  13. JaKiri

    help needed!

    Dissolve 121g of Tris into 1 litre of water, surely.
  14. Mars is pretty dead, as far as internal activity goes. It probably was quite wild (see: Olympus Mons)
  15. The current thinking is that it's the lack of magnetic field. Without a significant one (like the earth's) the atmosphere is just ripped off by the solar wind. And no, I don't think there was ever life on mars.
  16. It's not snowing. The north and south poles are strictly speaking deserts, due to the immensely small amount of precipitation. The blizzarding effect if just loose snow being blown about.
  17. You forgot the Zeroth law, people.
  18. WMP is free. It's also superior to the pay products Quicktime and RealPlayer. We had another version of this a while ago when people were complaining that iTunes were anticompetitive.
  19. I don't see how this will generate energy though. 2nd Law.
  20. I think he's talking in terms of clockspeed, in which case he's perfectly correct.
  21. Well, there's a quote from the nasa page that explains the phenomenon, although it's debatable if they should be counted as 'in the know'.
  22. Evolution has been observed, both inside the lab and outside it. Your point is?
  23. I'm the only one who mentioned resultant processor speed in terms of GHz, and I KNOW; 'overall processor speed equivilent' is what I actually said.
  24. Is the poop deck what I think it is?
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