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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Under the current system of law, yes. However, I'm NOT SUPPORTING THE CURRENT SYSTEM OF LAW.
  2. You seem to need evidence for every axiomic statement of mine, it's fairly hypocritical of you to deny it of me.
  4. ...link. Also, I don't see how legalising drugs per se reduces the addict rate (don't strawman over the 'they'll get help!!!' issue, because I've already said I support that)
  5. Education does sweet FA. That's been REPEATED AND REPEATED AND REPEATED. I haven't seen the evidence for reducing deaths from overdose. And you're strawmanning again; I support the rehabilitation of drug users.
  6. I agree that people shouldn't be prosocuted if they come forward for detox, though.
  7. I think we can agree that tobacco has less 'positive' effect. Given that, don't you think people getting addicted (physically, psychologically, emotionally) to something which has MORE effect is MORE likely?
  8. Yep. Where did I say that you shouldn't assist people suffering from the side effects of drugs? (And, knowing how you like to misinterpret, I'm excluding times when I'm being facetious (although I can't remember if I have been in this thread)) Alcohol is a bad example, because of it's presence through all of society, even in these abstentionist times. Yep. See above. Indeed. I don't see how it's relevent, as by this argument we shouldn't watch TV, use computers or research quantum physics because our forefathers didn't. Again, quote me where I said we should lie to children about how drugs are bad mm'kay. Everyone recognises that DARE is rubbish, especially those who oppose legalisation, because it harms the idea by association. Police harassment like prosecuting people for possessing illegal drugs? You mean the police arrest people who do things that are illegal? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? Americans, especially the teen population, appear to have a serious antiauthority vibe. There's a difference between decriminalised and legal. Class A drugs like heroin and cocaine are HIGHLY illegal in Holland (and even cannabis isn't as legalised as the sterotype), and the 'heroin parks' and the like only exist to put the problem in plain sight, rather than hidden away. If anything, that statistic shows that cannabis, if 'legalised', doesn't act as a gateway drug (and there are arguments about it being such if it's illegal, too). I'm prolegalisation of cannabis, so I don't know why you're quoting these statistics at me. More people than that will have speeded, but it doesn't mean that the traffic laws should be relaxed. Again, I don't really see what the comparison is, other than that cannabis isn't a gateway drug. I don't care how much it costs, I'm not in favour of legalising a dangerous drug. I don't see why you're putting these as seperate facts, as they're the same fact from the same study from the same authors from the same research center. See top. I bet you could big boy.
  9. My claim that people become addicted to (and misuse) tobacco? What? ps. Is this the same Liverpool that I know? The one with scousers that will have your wheels off before you leave the car?
  10. Not 'wrong' as such. Just imprecise. And evolution DOES exist.
  11. I said have a DIFFERENT sign, not a negative one.
  12. I doubt that legalisation would reduce addiction or misuse. There's the nice example of 'tobacco'.
  13. That's not what I'm talking about at all, and as far as I've heard that's quackery from russia.
  14. It's perfectly possible to have something pointing at the sun for 10 days straight; the earth just rotates below you (the orbital period would be a little under 24 hours). I'd imagine that, if the long exposure kind of thing is common, they'd set the telescope up to have that kind of orbit.
  15. Positive times negative equals negative duder. Your brain isn't on today. P*P=P P*N = N N*N = P
  16. They tend more towards Photoshop jobbies, in my experience.
  17. Does anyone else have a sexual attraction to fjords?
  18. At it's very simplest, F = GmM/d^2. For real distances, d^2 will be positive, and G IS positive, so obviously you'll get negative values if m and M have a different sign.
  19. If it doesn't involve MS Paint, it's NOT SCIENCE
  20. You could argue that the motion of nearby galaxies could give you a value for expansion of the universe, by how much the expected blue shift (for the forces involved) deviates from the actual. But that's like building an entire test earth to see if people like a new caramel center.
  21. The most effective way of reducing ILLEGAL drugs use would be to legalise them all (but then that's true of all crime). The most effective way of reducing drug use would be to engineer a virus so that the drugs in question kill for any dosage. Since prohibition is already in place, I don't see why what you said responds to my post in the slightest.
  22. (If water acted like a regular substance) the seas would freeze from the bottom etc. makes perfect sense to me.
  23. That's not what I said at all. I SAID it was bad from a moral point of view. I only said it was good from a police point of view (but then a police state is good from a police point of view) and will continue to do it unless stopped by a higher power. And as I said, arrested =! charged.
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