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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Increasing education doesn't work duder. Britain probably spends the most in Europe on Sex Ed, yet we have the highest teen pregnancy rate.
  2. Women historically have more privacy than men, which doesn't make it fair, but it's the reason.
  3. Shock horror as university paper report on drugs has a survey.
  4. They're not the bits that are total tripe. It's the bits where their argument is 'THIS WON'T HAPPEN BECAUSE WE SAY IT WON'T'. And as for things like 'The first thing that is noticeable about these figures is how trivial they are in comparison with the figures for US addicts. An increase of 2,400 addicts would not even be noticed in the United States.' Well, I could say a few things. Like how the US is much larger than britain. About how a much larger percentage of the US lives in relative poverty, compared to the uk (go go gadget socialism!). And so on, and so forth. They're doing exactly, EXACTLY the same as you. Giving absolute numbers without actually giving any information about how they apply or what they mean.
  5. Given they were in issues of Varsity, I don't think they're online.
  6. Read through it. Looks like biased tripe to me. I'm prolegalisation of some drugs duder, bear that in mind. It doesn't mean that I don't think other pro-legalisation arguments are bad by definition.
  7. I didn't say there would be drastically increased usage; just that the numbers would go up. You're strawmanning duder. Also, it depends on the drugs in question, the country in question, and the state of supply. If things were legalised rather than decriminalised, I suspect users would go up a reasonable amount in some parts of the population (most surveys I've seen on the matter have given the impurity as a big reason why people don't do drugs).
  8. Probably more to do with privacy issues than anything else.
  9. You're asking me to provide evidence that people don't do things because they're illegal? WHAT?
  10. Again, this is an oversimplification, given that, for example, LSD can cause (although not death) extreme psychological problems. I'd personally view those as harmful. You're looking at individual areas then misapplying the statistics duder.
  11. That doesn't make sense, given that if you legalised it, the numbers of users would rise.
  12. Yeah, those pesky laws, always telling us what to do.
  13. That's what I mean about abusing statistics you oaf. Those figures are meaningless unless it's per user, because you can't otherwise get a comparative measure of 'risk' (for want of a better term). If one person took a substance, and was the only user of that substance, and died as a result, that would make it 100% deadly. According to you, because only one person died, it's less deadly than alcohol, or the others. Since I suspect that there's more than 30 times the number of people who drink than use heroin, or 10x the number who use cocaine, your figures support MY point, NOT yours.
  14. I like the way you're invoking science then abusing statistics.
  15. Ignoring all the other arguments (alcohol is pretty benign for the most part, and baccy has the backing (hahaha) of an enormous industry, which would dissuade criminalisation), it's a matter of addictiveness and risk. Plus, it's entirely optional on their part; they don't HAVE to take illegal drugs, do they? As consenting adults, they're assumed by the state to have the ability to make their own decisions.
  16. I'd say the message was 'Drugs are bad', which they certainly are in comparison with NotDrugs. You also make it sound as if they're criticising poor little chemicals that never hurt anyone. That's just factually inaccurate. The only drug anywhere near legalisation in this country (which in some respects is just a more liberal america) is Cannabis, and even that's been linked to neural problems. You also get the the additional problem that people tend to smoke it with tobacco, which ups the risk immensely.
  17. The DEA has been a big failure, but don't hate the message duders.
  18. It's like apple trees; they're all the same species, yet each new apple tree produces different apples.
  19. You don't want to make chlorine.
  20. Professor Frink, Professor Frink, he makes you laugh, he makes you think
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