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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. JaKiri


    It's because we clean our dogs' teeth 12 times a day.
  2. Because it was decided that they don't, basically.
  3. No. That's equivilent to saying that -4 = 4, because SQRT(16) = 4 SQRT(16) = -4 Hence -4 = 4.
  4. I can categorically say that whatever it is won't be a mirror.
  5. It's not a real number (ie on the number line from negative infinity to positive infinity). It's just... a number.
  6. It's not a function. It's a number. You might as well say 'How do you work out 1? Is it the same every time?'
  7. The second law of thermodynamics states that within any closed system, entropy always increases. Entropy is basically a measure of how much energy in the system is not 'ordered' or useful; like when running a car, there's heat given off. As for the universe thing, that is correct. It is called the heat death of the universe. It is irreversable because no matter what action we take to increase order, there will be a subsequent larger increase in disorder (because entropy [disorder] cannot decrease in any closed system). (A closed system is basically something which is cut off from everything else. This part is essential, and is one of the bits of science ignored by creationists, but that's going off on a tangent)
  8. You don't work it out, it's just.... i. The square root of -1. That's how its written. It's not going to be equal to 35 or something.
  9. It's an attempt to show a 4 dimensional object in 2 dimensions. As you can see, it doesn't work.
  10. Fire away. Even if I'm not here now, I can answer them later. And even if I don't, someone else will.
  11. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1068
  12. Well, you're mistaken about the number of planes in a 3d object. I can think of 3; xy, xz and yz. Similarly, in a 4d situation there will be 6 (xy, xz, xa, yz, ya, za). As for the function, it's to have a complex graph with 2 variables. (As I stated above, one direction for each of real x, imaginary x, real y, imaginary y). And as to the tesseract... If a square is the 2d version, and the cube is the 3d version, then the tesseract is the 4d version. We can view it in 3d (sort of) by perspective, similar to implying a 3d object in 2d. (I've seen one by this method.) A tesseract is more commonly known as a hypercube.
  13. Why is taking someone's life when the alternative is either no proper existance or a slow and painful death brutal and ugly?
  14. That's incorrect. Example. If the radius of a circle is 1/2(unit), what's the circumference? Reply to rest following.
  15. Real numbers = any non imaginary number (ie from negative infinity to positive infinity. examples being, say, 312, 2314.1 and pi) What do you mean, is SQRT(-1) a constant? Does SQRT(2) change? It's SQRT(-1) because that's the simplest way of doing it. Why have the sqrt(-2) as i, and then have to worry about the fact that it's irrational? Why have sqrt(-4) as i, when you might just as well as have sqrt(-1), because all that you're doing is making i = 2i (regular). SQRT(-2) = SQRT(2)i (squaring both sides: -2 = 2 * i*i = -2 Oh, and calculators don't 'do' imaginary numbers. If you try to square root -1, you'll get an error.
  16. Imaginary numbers are real numbers multiplied by i, the square root of minus 1 (bi, where b is real). Complex numbers are of the form a + bi, where a and b are real. Random numbers can be but usually AREN'T imaginary.
  17. The money will be an issue, but the main one here is that she ASKED to undergo euthinasia.
  18. There's little or no neural activity, so I'm going for 'no', she won't feel any pain. In fact, she won't feel anything at all, like she hasn't for the last 13 years, and wouldn't for the forseeable future. RIGHT ON The doctors have said that it's medically unlikely, at the very least.
  19. You've taken fusion to be representative, when it's just as (if not more likely) that fission is more in the style of things.
  20. AI implies self-determination, amongst other things. Agent Smith wished to live on, and the Oracle (if a similar program) may have taken a similar path. The reason that there is a One to begin with is explained in the architect scene, assuming he's telling the truth. The last scene (almost certainly) means that there is a matrix within a matrix, SHOCK. However, it could also be setting Neo up to be a total messianic character, or it could be he accessed the sentinals through the matrix itself, or something similar. The first one gets my vote, especially because of the 'Something's not right here' line.
  21. That's not the question. You're talking about 'SHOULD WE BAN ELECTRICITY FROM EVIL NATIONS?!?!?!?'
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