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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Pink? What kind of gay thoughts are going on in that heat of yours?
  2. He'd get his hand sliced off is what would happen.
  3. fafalone hahahah he's a _ and he's alone ^^^ THAT'S the worst thing ever Edited for vulgarity by Fafalone
  4. Pattern implies structure. Head death of the universe = no structure. Hence no pattern to infinity.
  5. I have 2 cats. They step on my keyboard, disturb my mouse hand and distract me from Homeworld 2 whilst looking for attention. My gf likes them.
  6. aman is right. However, technology has progressed and shaped charges allow smaller amounts of fissile material to gain critical mass. Using plutonium requires the least mass, but is the most difficult. The easiest is just banging two large lumps of uranium together, but that's going to be ineffective unless you've enriched it with a larger ratio of 235 to 238.
  7. '1337' and it's varients are the worst things ever. 'Elite', maybe.
  8. I stalk sayonara. On weekends he's called Suzie.
  9. I've got that, but I've been playing Homeworld 2.
  10. You don't need very much plutonium at all (I think 3kg is the requirement, which will decrease with better engineering).
  11. Is this a deliberate really bad pun on top of the other really bad pun, or is it just coincidental?
  12. Polaroid is a company on its last legs.
  13. change the 'cause' to 'not inhibit'
  14. The matter may be evenly distributed, it may be centralised, it doesn't matter, and we can never find out.
  15. 4. Astrophysics. A point in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted. 5. Mathematics. A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists. Also called singular point.
  16. We don't prove that a sun is needed, but it is one factor which we are CERTAIN can cause life, rather than speculating on possible other types of life, which may not even exist, and trying to find objects to match those conditions.
  17. A singularity in this case means a point of infinite space time curvature; it is a mathematical term. See: 4 and 5 on this link http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=singularity A black hole is an n dimensional entity, where n is the number of dimensions that exist, however many that is now.
  18. The only real measure of size is the event horizon, and of course that gets bigger when you add more mass.
  19. There are any number of spatial dimensions you like; M-theory assumes about 10-20.
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