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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. You have Phosphorus. You have Chlorine. Phosphorus makes up 22.5% by mass. How much by mass do you think chlorine makes up?
  2. Because the chemical reactions require oxygen. Well, that was a fun thread.
  3. Divide the % by the RAM. Divide by the lower value. Cancel any common factors. Tadaa.
  4. Because the qualitative experience of colour is generated by the proccessing of data from the eyes in the nervous system - the different colour bands are NOT a property of light itself. It is not certain why the optic system does it this way instead of just specifying the properties of the incoming light quantitatively, but it seems likely that a system which triggers discrete responses at certain thresholds is easier to produce. the ability of nerves to specify quantitative information is limited. they can only be "on" or "off", so things like the intensity of pain are communicated by the frequency of pulses. However, a nerve can only pulse at a finite rate, setting an upper limit. The lower limit is set by the interval at which seperate pulses indicate seperate "inputs" - making this longer costs "resolution" of sensations in time, so there is a limit on this too. EDIT - this is giles, but i cba logging out of mark's account, since i'm on his PC anyway.
  5. It's probably that zonealarm was misconfigured (relative to your setup) to stop some programs/ports that you don't want it to.
  6. There are lots of particles in space.
  7. The flow of time that the object experiences.
  8. Object's time (relative to a rest frame at velocity v) = Object's time (relative to a rest frame at rest) Just removed the Object's and relative to a rest frame, becuase it's quicker to write.
  9. No. It's the objects moving in the rest frame that have velocity.
  10. For some people, even quantum physics is intuitive.
  11. Because time dilation is an upshot of the speed of light being constant for all observers. There's another thread on this in this very forum. ('Twin story but without the planet'). time (at velocity v) = time (at rest) * SQRT ( 1 - v^2/c^2)
  12. Well, aside from a shockwave of some sorts, you wouldn't get sound; from what I understand of the technology, you're getting it the wrong way round; the laser doesn't generate the sound, it just measures it. [edit] And heat =/= force.
  13. I prefer the Otima's Tawney 10 to the Graham's 96 LBV, but then we all know that the 83 vintage is the best for some time.
  14. The fact that they can't, in all likelihood, exist kind of stops it.
  15. There's implied brackets round the second c*c, as well. Remember, I quoted it as c^2 earlier.
  16. you multiply first and then you divide. (Multiplication, division, subtraction, addition is the order in which things are done)
  17. Lets have two light particles moving in opposite directions. Under Newtonian physics, they would recede at c + c = 2c, which breaks the rule that c is the greatest speed available relative to any rest frame. If we put it in the equation, we get a = c = b (c+c)/(1+c*c/c*c) = 2c/2 = c Maintaining the speed limit.
  18. Just to clarify what I said... There is a trouble with either not moving or moving. The trouble with not moving is that, due to the equality of all rest frames, it will not be stationary relative to all of them. The trouble with moving is it implies that there is a form of absolute positioning. In (properly) theorised time machines, this problem is gotten around by having the time machine stay stationary and only things in it move. This means that things only need to stay stationary relative to the time machine, but also has the drawback of only letting you go back/forward in time from the points at which the time machine is built to the time it is destroyed.
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