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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. The heat death of the universe isn't likely to happen that quickly, but yeah, it's going to all end in nothingness.
  2. Calibi Yau spaces is the standard one (ie they're curled up wewy wewy small)
  3. That's all very well, but if the current understanding of the Big Bang is correct, then it is impossible to find out. The difference between that and GR i swe can find if GR is wrong or not. The big bang could have been triggered by a giant pink teddy bear for all we know, and can possibly know.
  4. Yes, it's called Xeno's Paradox, and has already been resolved, to my satisfaction at least.
  5. Actually, you don't need reprductive isolation for two species to form, if you mean physical isolation,
  6. These things happen ALL OF THE TIME.
  7. No it isn't, all you have to do (assuming there's no other matter in the universe and no resistive forces) is give it the same KE as current GPE and watch it fly away forever.
  8. You're unique among the rest of humans if you descended from the neanderthals. And lets look at chess. Lots of gradual, very small changes that result in drastic ones over a period of time.
  9. It could work perfectly well, it's just you need, say, nanotubes.
  10. The machine is a demonstration of standing waves. The definition of species vary, but the usual one is the point at which they can no longer interbreed, which is a very defined point and can happen even between groups that coexist. In addition, neanderthals are not our ancestors.
  11. It's to do with the electron configuration, and transition elementy stuff.
  12. You do. It's called the sun.
  13. From nuclear reactions, lightening, HOLD ON, I'VE DONE THIS BIT :|
  14. It can also be cosmic waves impacting on the wires, all kinds of things.
  15. He was trying to show how Quantum Theory gives what he considered silly results if they influenced macroscopic events
  16. Nuclear reactions, lightening, all kinds of stuff
  17. There's background radiation in every band, it's just (effectively) random
  18. You're watching the lack of a coherent signal. The remnants of the big bang is the cosmic microwave background, and not radio waves.
  19. As YT says, inconsistencies render the question invalid.
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