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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. JaKiri


    Doctor of Philosophy.
  2. Given that the latest GeForce is only JUST faster than the Radeon 9800 Pro and costs about £100 more, I think that's assured
  3. To run things like Championship manager, which really need a lot of RAM. Plus 512Mb of it was meant to go to the GF's computer, but I stole it.
  4. Why should Science change its definition which it has built up over a long period of time to accomidate Homeopathy? It would be like everyone in the world changing the spelling of 'cat' to 'kat' because one person doesn't like it the way it is.
  5. First they must show that it works. That hasn't been done. This is the way science works. Find something the model doesn't account for, then adjust it to fit. For instance, Michaelson-Morely and Lorenz Transforms were united in one framework by Einsten.
  6. What about the power generating ability of cats with pieces of buttered toast tied to their backs?
  7. The scientific method tests whether something works. It's not hard to follow. The reason that the 'results' are met with derision is because they don't prove anything, or are hideously biased.
  8. It depends what you mean by success, and depends what you mean by 'more important than'.
  9. Oh, and what meaning of etheric are you using? The usual one (ie the one that's right) means 'of the ether', but that doesn't seem to fit in your posts.
  10. They're bloody everywhere. They are. Yes. We detect them. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ye well you get the idea.
  11. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
  12. God does not play dice Albert Einstein. Yes, very nice quote, but how is it RELEVENT IN THE SLIGHTEST?
  13. Is he the one responsible for the 'YOUR COMPUTER IS BROADCASTING AN IP!' popups?
  14. I prefer a good guitar riff with strong baseline, like Muse - In Your World
  15. JaKiri

    anyone ply sports?

    I row to a (junior) international standard, and play football, rugby, badminton and Rise of Nations in my spare time.
  16. Given that the IQ standard assumes that IQ is a normal distribution with mean 100 and SD of something I can't remember, they bloody well should be.
  17. All they test for is the ability to do the test. Remember two things. 1. The test presumes that intellegence can be measured. 2. The person who devised the test wanted to use it in conjunction with a whole host of other tests. 1 is really really important. How do you know that you can measure intellegence, past the comparative 'he picks up this idea slightly quicker than him', let alone quantify it? What about people who just can't do something that isn't on the test? As an example, look at, say, a maths exam with no geometry on it. I know people who are perfectly good at all other forms of maths, but not at geometry. Similarly, the IQ test in its current form is not all enclosing. And so on and so forth in a similar vein for quite some TIME.
  18. There's 3 pc's in this room. The worst one is a P4 2.0. The best one is this one, with a Athlon XP 2700+, Radeon 9700 Pro, 512Mb of 2700, 120Gb WD SE HDD, 80Gb Maxtor thing, DVDRW, Very good 17" TFT, DVD Drive, etc etc. I own two. My gf owns the other. Mmmm lan.
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