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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. I like Vice City a lot. Especially the Super Bikes.
  2. Well, at least you can admit if you've made a mistake. That's good.
  3. He didn't say searching FOR extrasolar planets. He said searching extrasolar planets FOR life.
  4. I thought it was done by observing gravitational interactions, rather than directly from EM emissions.
  5. We don't yet, and they presumeably went through an intermediate phase.
  6. I'm not sure this is correct, if memory serves
  7. I didn't reply to this, but I'm going to now. Why do you feel it is silly? Especially given that the other 3 fundamental forces have been found to work by exactly the same method as the graviton, just with different particles that DO EXIST.
  8. You still making the same mistakes, and you're still ignoring the existance of the other carrier particles.
  9. Quite a lot of it IS on relativity though
  10. Isolated bits may work, it's if it fits into a whole that has to be accepted by peer review.
  11. It's not complete though. Whilst individual sections may be busy, and publishing goes on, the theory doesn't matter until it's accepted by peer review and taken into canon, as it were.
  12. The superstring theories aren't exactly doing much atm.
  13. That's not allowed. You have to make the same mistakes over and over again and ignore anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.
  14. They're all working in something very near to the same rest frame though. Do half the particles in your arm go whizzing off at a good fraction at the speed of light regularly?
  15. Intel posted that the person travelling doesn't experience a time difference. You replied to the post, therefore I assume you read it. Hence, you're either deliberately getting things wrong and therefore trolling, or you didn't understand what he said despite it being in plain english and are therefore stupid. ps. Intel: Welcome aboard.
  16. Are you trying to troll, or are you really that stupid?
  17. I felt it was necessary to point out that you were asking a question that was answered in the post you were reply to. The lifespans are lengthened relative to the detector's rest frame. (Guess what I'm going to say next.) RELATIVITY ANNOUCEMENT!
  18. It's support for Special Relativity, which the twins paradox is a result of. Particles with a known and predictable lifetime have different lifetimes when moving with velocity with respect to the rest frame of the accelerator. The lifetimes are mapped with unbelieveably large accuracy onto the Lorenz Transformations of Special Relativity. I also stated that in the original post.
  19. This is http://www.SCIENCEforums.net. If he wants to be demonstrateably wrong he can do it elsewhere.
  20. I do set the facts straight. However, simple misunderstandings are one thing (as this thread has shown); not even bothering to check the factual content of your post when much information on that topic is available online (see: PD again; he combines it with stunning arrogance as well) and indeed ON THIS SITE that I get exasperated.
  21. I can bear to point out inaccuracies (of the philosophical and factual kind) once, twice, maybe more. But when every thread on a topic contains the same factual inaccuracies (a very very good example of this is Peter Dunn's 'Quantum Reality' thread, which contains the exact misunderstandings that feature in his previous gravity thread. I pointed them out there, and he posted them all over again oblivious. It's much easier, especially when we're talking about SR, to just point someone in the direction of the SR thread at the top of this very forum (unless someone's removed it without telling me). I've spent time and effort to read and understand. You don't think you should. I am not the arrogant one.
  22. I was going to make a long and involved post dealing with such things as the immense amount of evidence (such as the lifetimes of subatomic particles increasing as you'd expect if the Lorenz Transforms were correct), but then I realised you didn't actually know what was going on and instead I'm just going to point you in the direction of the sticky about Special Relativity and try to introduce you to all this exciting new physics that was theorised well over a century ago, and is proved any time a particle accelerator is run, in addition to all the other experiments.
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