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Everything posted by JaKiri

  1. Mainly it's a power issue. The Cosmic Microwave Background is pretty weak compared to communications.
  2. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves; they're the same things as visable light, just at a much lower frequency.
  3. Interesting, yet not exactly allowable. There's a reason that wasn't postulated by a physicist.
  4. Under current models, it will expand forever. Don't ask me to justify it. If you want that, go investigate the mathematics.
  5. Prove to me that gravity exists using only axioms and formal logic.
  6. There's no of yet about it; it is impossible to prove empirically derived theories. However, that doesn't stop there being an absolutely immense amount of evidence for it, and it's almost certain that any theory that displaces it will have almost identical predictions across the board.
  7. Which would be why GR is still accepted then?
  8. They probably are. In fact, it's impossible to prove they're not. We adapt and move on, with refined mathematics and a better metaphysical framework.
  9. JaKiri


    Bloody engineers
  10. Carbon is unique. No other element, under current understandings, can conduct the range of reactions that it can. There is simply no other way that life could occur, under what we know.
  11. Oxford and Cambridge charge exactly the same as every other university in England, to native students at least. CUSU (Cambridge University Student's Union) have also pledged to help any student in financial difficulty. Indeed, the university itself has stated that lack of funds will not stop a student from holding a place, if they are academically qualified. That's the good university (and oxford) out of your statement, now we've just got the american ones, which I don't hold with. So much for that argument.
  12. Personally, I go for General Relativity over the Standard Model. It's much nicer in every respect, and has an enormous amount of evidence for it.
  13. I remember being called a stupid american a while back because I criticised someone's antiwar argument.
  14. For a start, it's 'Yale', if you're referring to the university. Secondly, they probably do go easier on someone making a large donation at the same time, but their reputation for excellence would be diminished if they made the exams easier, and simultaneously their appeal.
  15. There is time, it just doesn't occur for particles moving at the speed of light.
  16. Do you know how much mathematics there IS?
  17. Which logic? Are we talking about established science? That's not my logic alone, that's the logic of the entire scientific establishment (to a degree). Oh, and prove you're better at maths than me. That may be rather hard, as you're quite far behind where I was at your age.
  18. It depends what you mean by cloning. And I've already commented on this SEVERAL TIMES
  19. OK, so do we agree that a force is produced? And this force opposes the motion? Let us now apply Newton's Second Law. F = ma. ie. the object accelerates in the direction of the force. This force opposes the motion, hence it must decelerate. It must SLOW DOWN. In an ideal system, the loss of kinetic energy by this means would equal the amount of electricity generated, but this is not an ideal world and things like eddy currents will reduce the output. PS. Laws of thermodynamics. Such as 'in a closed system, entropy always increases' Such as 'energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred'
  20. Logic only dictates if the argument has the possibility of validity, not if it is valid or not.
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