" That was left behind during Mining operations"
"With a 15% - 30% increase in profit(s)"
This information is worth it's weight in Gold to the right corporation of these mined elements noted above and more.
If you understand the process of Mining gold or any of the elements stated here then you know that they leave a lot of material behind , for gold it's called tailing's this will help them to get more product then they would have ever before ,even all the tailing's ,thus increasing their overall bottom line by 15 - 30 %.
It is like when the particle's are to small for the machines to pick up they can scoop up parts of the ground and then put it through the system to get every grain of gold or whatever elements that is there out of the dirt and whatever else is there as well.
It is a scientific fact that every element has a magnetic moment!
These moments are so brief in time that they are almost non-existent.
The demonstration on the link I posted above actually lengthens the duration of the
element's magnetic moment by subjecting the element to an
electromagnetic field of influence that is presently composed of
magnetic lines of force that are both shaped and pulsed sat the
determined frequency of the target element most intense spectral
"line"(line consisting of the most energy in relationship to the other
spectral lines that are produced by the same element. This use of
technology explores the basic principals of the discussed magnetic
properties of the elements. This information is used with the
following equipment. An Arbitrary Waveform Generator ( The frequency
is imputed into it) an amplifier for musical instruments and a
specially designed magnet----non-ferrous elements such as gold,
silver, copper, aluminum, carbon,(diamonds) platinum etc: are JUST AS
IRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The National Bureau of Standards in Washington D.C. has the wave
lengths of all the elements. Presently the frequency of a particular
wave length is determined by dividing an electrical or electromagnetic
wave length into the speed of light (Standard 186,000 miles per second
or 300,000 meters per second). However, the present mathematical world
system is not in harmony with the frequency expressed by NATURE
itself. We have a precise mathematical system that is PROVEN by the
applications you would see in the video demonstration.
The National Bureau of Standards:
1.Is representative of the accurate measurement of standard wave
lengths of the elements
2 Detailed description of photographed SPECTRA
3.Quantum interpretation of the SPECTRA LINES
4.How the SPECTRAL LINES are applied by the use of spectroscopy
Spectra are usually measured at atmospheric pressure but must be
corrected for the refractive index of air if employed for atomic
interpretation. The table of wave numbers for converting wave lengths
for 2000 to 10,000 Angstroms to wave numbers per centimeter in a vacuo
with an accuracy of one part in one hundred million. Most atomic and
ionic Spectra embrace thousands of different wavelengths that for
correlation and standardization purposes must be measured with a
precision of one part in one to twenty million. The published
book-Table of Spectral-Line Intensities contains relative energies of
39,000 spectral lines in the range of 900 to 9000A (angstroms)
characteristic of 70 metallic elements observed under standard
conditions. This knowledge alone does not suffice unless ACCURATE
mathematical system is inculcated. The general mathematical system of
the world does not entail the accurate precision needed to accomplish
All nature is obviously in tune with itself. The world at large
does not have an inkling that certain frequencies can be produced by a
Hewlett Packard Arbitrary Wave Form Generator. One can input the
frequency of one's choice and produce the energy needed to achieve
one's goal . Trees, plants and vegetation have been PROFOUNDLY
influenced to grow 5 times faster than normal DURING THE WINTER
MONTHS.. Vegetable and plants grow 5 times faster with HIGHER QUALITY
than regular growth. We have made plants grow in Arizona and Nevada in
a desert environment.
The aforementioned vital information presented is not theory or pure
speculation and has already been proven. The applications of this
technology are immense and will certainly be beneficial to all
mankind. We can magnetize gold ,platinum, silver, titanium, copper,
aluminum, and diamonds -by the carbon frequency that will also remove oil
from shale rock. The aluminum frequency will warp radar so that planes
or submarines will not be detected.
By imputing into the magnetic an extractor will target any element
that is even micron in size. If you have not seen it, the video will enhance your
understanding. Talk is cheap. THIS IS
To Give you the short version here of the magnitude that this will have for mining is that it can greatly reduce waste of product by 15% - 30% over all the waste that they are incurring now without this REVOLUTIONARY invention.
We have a video that we can send to you that goes into details and it shows the process of the magnetizing of the different elements.