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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. question: In an infinite universe every possibiltiy would occur an infinite number of times right?
  2. Hense the reason I did not say it was a certanty...
  3. sorry can't answer on the probability or likly hood not my field i'm afraid...
  4. In an infinate universe the probability is very high that it does occur as in an infinate universe all probabilities are likely. ...If of coarse it is possible which I have no idea on ...
  5. it would not be a moon of the planet if it was not orbiting the planet. It would be a smaller planet or moon orbiting the sun with the same peroid as the planet it was eclipsing.
  6. moving planet sized objects...you guys are ambitious I was refering to his first line of moving small moons of planets and asteroids...
  7. Boy some of those quotes were great
  8. because he asked.....
  9. Don’t let the bastards grind you down kid. For a 14 year old you are doing fine, your age is against you it makes you rash and prone to say stupid things. Keep the attitude that you can do anything and you probably will. As for the spelling loads of extremely intelligent (not knowledgeable) people are poor spellers. As for this "Allot of training and education goes into becoming an electrician" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahah ahahaha hahahah.......hahah...hehheh
  10. yep that would work but it would take a really really long time and the cost of shipping the beans would be astronomical
  11. What about a high output laser constantly bombarding one side of the moon? This would "burn" off smalll areas causing a small amount of thrust that cumulativly over a large time span could alter the orbit or trejectory...
  12. and it would be cool to sit in front of it and drink heavily and throw stuff into it
  13. Cool I want one... just for laughs. If you had half the bars comming up from the floor and half coming down from the top of the door you could reduce the vibrations, and if you mounted the whole thing in a big several foot thick rubber gasket it would quiet down quite a bit...
  14. Jakiri I ment to put an emoticon there with the laughing guy but could not find them and was too lazy to look.. No offence intended
  15. A little light but a good grounding in the fundamentals. And Hawking does not get the physics wrong. He just tones them down so your average jaki can understand them
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