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About dragonstar57

  • Birthday 05/10/1994


  • Lepton

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  • Occupation
    High school

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Molecule (6/13)



  1. I was doing some research on the flame temperature if various fuels and a lot of them had temperatures for in air and also for in an oxygen environment. is it "better" to burn things using liquid oxygen or is it the same as long as you have enough oxygen? a 2/3rds h2 and 1/3rd o2 flame will burn at about 2700 Fahrenheit which isn't hot enough to turn steel into a liquid. would it be possible(or feasible) to have a liquid torch and would it burn hotter than the 2700 degrees for a perfect mixture of the gasses *edit* my spell check plugin is a bit broken and it replaced temperature with tempature if someone could fix that for me that would be awesome!
  2. wasn't sure where to put this but when I tried to connect to the irc I got this edit my png I atached didn't seem to work so http://imgur.com/a/QYu49 imgur link!
  3. isn't it impossible to distinguish any 2 = forces? a iron robot would be unable to tell if he experiencing gravity or magnetism or acceleration.
  4. I suppose an argument could be made for the idea that it should be in speculations because the topic is centered around pseudoscience but it is in more of fact cheeking capacity than which typically is in the speculations section. also I have a question. could someone compare and contrast fukshima and chernobyl? if there was a hydrogen explosion which breached the containment building isn't it the same?
  5. is this true?i'm inclined to disbelive just because c2c is to psudoscientific for my taste.
  6. so why aren't we handing these out in areas where clean water is an issue?
  7. I know about solar distlization. I was wondoring if a solar oven would be better for cleaning water of microbial contamination. woldn't it be more eficient to simply heat it to the point where it kills the microorganisms in the water?
  8. I heard recently that in many places much of a person’s time is spent collecting fire wood to heat water for the purpose of sterilization. I was wondering if a solar oven could be used instead of fire. I'm thinking of something like this. a plastic box with reflective surface with a reflective interior measuring 1Mx1Mx1m and a lid which would be propped open at a 45 degree angle (and is reflective) would this be an effective solar water purifier?
  9. Wouldn’t particulate matter (like if the water was muddy) block the uv whereas the microwave frequency would be able to get through? so you would have to add microwave energy faster than heat leaves the system? How would the power requirements compare to UVGI? Would it be possible to use microwaves to kill pathogens with a modest power supply?
  10. If I heat a sample of water with a dangerous microbial contamination (whatever common, dangerous waterborne illness) until it boils the microbes die. My question is why do they die? Is it the microwaves that kill them via radiological effects or is it the heat that does it? (ie the microwaves interacting with the microbes vs the microwaves interacting with the water and the water interacting with the microbes) Could a microwave be built to kill bacteria with low intensity microwaves? Low intensity microwaves which could be generated by power from a hand crank or pedal style generator? If so could microwaves used to sanitize water in developing nations with simple gear like magnets and broken microwaves?
  11. I saw a ufo then it landed and I saw it was my neighbors kitdrone. then it ceased to be a ufo and became a ifo (identified flying object)
  12. does anyone have a way for me to reloacte to a universe with magic?
  13. recently I heard saw the Planck scale referred to as the resolution of reality (obviously a matrix reference rofl) but it got me to thinking would pi stop at a decimal accurate enough to calculate distances on the planck scale? (sorry if this is a really stupid question I'm not well versed in physics and a google search yielded little) also wouldn't there be a point (if not at the planck scale) that an ending decimal would be so close to pi's true value that the difference would be completely indiscernible?(like if we could calclulate a circle the size of the observeable universe down to the radius of a electron or something)
  14. how can I get my cakes not stick? I have tryed grease and flour and they still wont come out of the pan. I have tried parchment papper and they change it changes the shape of the cake. how do I get the cake out and be round and perfect? (things sticking or not is chemistry so it can be argued that this is the place for it and I think it might get more knowlageable awnsers here but I could see someone saying that this doen't belong here as it isn't like really like real chemistry...I gues"
  15. my op in other words. why is space research and exploration important, and why is that more benificial than whatever else we could spend it on.
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