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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. in quotes? (still not working) when i click them it opens and closes in under a second where does the rawinput command go?
  2. python myfirstprogram.py SyntaxError invalid syntax python myfirstprogram.py ^ import myfirstprogram.py traceback <most recent call last?>: file"<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImporteError: no module named myfirstprogram.py ececfile("myfirstprogram.py") SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal this is not working... :( i'm using windows xp and the "program" that i am typing my code into is called python.exe
  3. so what is the correct code?
  4. i started a thread about it http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/54487-python-help/page__gopid__586805#entry586805
  5. not coped (it wont let me) >>> $python myfirstprograp.py $python myfirstprograp.py ^ SyntaxError: Invalid syntax
  6. UV lamps? plants for the ventilation?
  7. the program runs fine if you click to start it it just wont start the way the guide says it should http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch01.html the code is print 1+1 could it have to do with the folder that it is in? maybe a more specific file path would work?
  8. every time i type $python myfirstprogram.py it says syntaxerror: invalid syntax whats wrong with it?
  9. perhaps a physic should be "invited" to Iraq and see if (s)he can figure out where the traps are
  10. $python myfirstprogram.py =syntax error

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dragonstar57


      simple 1 or 2 command programs don't work for no apparent reason?

    3. Xittenn


      you misspelled program prograp and that was just for starters ....

    4. dragonstar57


      no it says program

  11. the answer is of little use to me now what matters is how the answer is found. it was a bonus problem that we have not been taught to do yet and now that the hour is over it can't help me (i got the points with my answer but the teacher said that it was close but "not quite") yeah that is what i was tiring to say the problem was but i don't know how to enter the problems like that (yeah it asks to simplify)
  12. in a response to the OP perhaps it has something to do with individual issues of self-confidence. a self confident person is more likely to approach a perspective partner than a shy person and therefore is far more likely to find partners because less is not more this thread has a general assumption that more is more imho this is getting a little off topic
  13. in math class today the teacher wrote in ()'s 3x^3y^4 over 2xy^2 and outside of the ()"S was a ^3 the teacher then said that anyone that finished the problem before the end of the hour would get extra points i answered that it was 3^3*x^9*y^12 over (2x)^3*y^6 is that right? if not explain?
  14. i think there should be a syntax help subject for people that are trying to learn some basic programing to ask what the error is in their syntax
  15. what is the syntax error in $python myfirstprogram.py
  16. your site linked to another site http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/preface.html lol i remember using that exact code in QBASIC but they linked to a online textbook but i don't see a compiler or anything like that
  17. argue that to the same people that are against stem sell research
  18. the beginners guide or the non programer beginners guide? http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers oh and i know quite a bit of HTML (will that help)
  19. unfortunately this is based upon the argument that the counsionous is in the brain (i completely agree) but those who argue that even if something does not have a brain (or a brain that is not developed yet) might disagree (if for no other reason because it helps their argument)
  20. what are the obstacles preventing a city from being built underground?
  21. I doubt that anyone would leak anything that they shouldn't you're probably not going to see any military intel or anything like that i don't think anyone would leak anything unless they felt that the people really needed to know about it
  22. i was looking at the thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/36998-whats-a-good-programming-language-to-learn/ and its a little overwhelming with information and doesn't exactly answer my question how do you learn programing for free and from where.(i understand that there are many languages) (links to resources would be appreciated) I'm not looking to be able to do anything specific i just think programing sounds cool and would like to start learning about it but the stuff that most people talk about on here sounds a little to serious. i have a little experience with qbasic but not much mostly print, if then, etc
  23. where do script kiddies learn the programing?
  24. it would most likely allow you to some kind of "play agian" option but i doubt you could die in a virtual reality as long as you control it enough <turns gun into bouquet with mind>
  25. so would it sound more realistic if searches for possible viruss and sends a copy of the source code to an analyzer that could determine if it was a computer virus without effecting the original copy? that would than add the data to the antivirus of their own computer? why do hackers use linux? why do linux users "not know what antivirus is"? and why would only script kiddies keep viruss on their drive? what does script kiddies mean?
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