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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. i just added to my signature what do you think?
  2. someone told me today that the moon landing was fake...i was speachless that anyone could belive such a thing but had no idea how to refute his arguement

    1. dragonstar57


      when i say "argument"

      i mean statement

  3. it seems more likely that a collision with a power line would involve the rotors and if the rotors hit a thick metal wire either it will damage the engine or cut the wire or both in the case of the power line being cut and the helicopter crashing they both fail to the ground and the helicopter fails a few feet frown a downed power line. that is where the electricity goes through the helicopter (or at least makes recovery very difficult/dangerous as a unrelated the rest of the post maybe i should arm it with some sort of Nerf like Styrofoam dart blaster or one of those plastic sphere blasters that would be kind of funny why?
  4. Almost 24 hours later and still no mark or pain. And it was a fast moving pour, the water was only in contact with my hand for like half a second. Is it possible that water didn't have enough time to conduct enough heat into my hand to cause a burn? *edit*:punctuation
  5. etch the data on titanium plates?
  6. read ALLIES by William Shawcross http://books.google.com/books?id=KhZjia_en6oC&printsec=frontcover&dq=ALLIES+by+William+Shawcross&hl=en&ei=4ShCTa7KDsP98Aa7uf20AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false
  7. then the collision?
  8. i accidentally spilled (very) hot water on my hand when attempting to strain noodles for pasta it hurt for a couple of seconds but it doesn't hurt now. will there be a burn there? or is it like where people can touch fire and not be burned if as long as they are moving fast enough?
  9. i acidentialey poured boiling watter on my hand...it hurt for a few seaconds but it doestn't hurt anymore. the hot wwater was onley toching my hand for like a seacond. will there be a burn?

    1. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      Yes. Most likely has formed by now.

    2. dragonstar57
  10. the electricity? all the RC helicopters on the web have a bunch of programing to prevent them from being messed with by another remote I would hate to put the work of building the bot just to have some residual security mechanism make it not work. that would be helpful*EDIT*: quote syntax error
  11. birds aren't made of metal and they land on power lines they don't collide into power linesps would it be better to build the helicopter from scratch or try to modify an existing helicopter?
  12. so is it good for you to consume citric acid?
  13. so can someone tell me what hardware will be needed? and some instructions/tips? (i don't really have any robotics training) but i am taking multiple robotics related courses in the near future so would like to begin some basic parts of the project (such as acquiring some of the components) the parachute seems like a good idea idea but if it hits a power line wouldn't that make recovery kind of pointless?
  14. you have to many powers there narrow some of them down some and i would almost suggest get rid of all of them. extrasensory powers aren't normal story powers they're far more powerful. and complicated to have a believable story with something like this you have to limit the powers of your characters (i know that's boring but the plot won't work if your character is god)
  15. I am atempting to create an atunomous rotor bassed waypoint controld LORAN naviagated aircraft capiable of delivering cargo to...PEOPLE THAT NEED CARGO (so far I have a coke can with a ruber band around it)

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      Are you delivering cargo to Pygmies?

    2. dragonstar57


      no I'm trying to deliver soft drinks to my fhshin hole without having to carry a cooler

  16. and what would be required to make a makeshift version of it for navigation of a simple autonomous craft?
  17. its working now (for some reason it made my computer run at 100% cpu for a couple of mins but its better now
  18. well it won't open and now my computer's running like REALLY slow
  19. it has a file size if 11.3 MB!!!
  20. I heard recently that there was a kind of navigation(i can't remember what the system is called) that used ground based signal instead of satiates. is a system like that more cost efficient or more accurate? a navigation system use both and maybe even other nationalities versions of gps?
  21. can you provide a link to a site to download the beta FF?
  22. I looked up the brand and what i saw was the logo, not a notice that it contains tnt if it were me i would a variation of that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soda_and_candy_eruption or with a canister of pressurized CO2.
  23. i mean the citric acid in citrus fruits in addition what your body makes? does it help anything to eat citrus? particularly those hight in citric acid rather than the ones low in it.
  24. so its good for you?
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