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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. then shape the pipe like a funnel. the pipe expands as the gas expands.
  2. so we should feed and clothe the suicide bomber?if a suicide bomber is caught and tried (unnecessary but thats an argument for another time) the bomber should just be shot they were ready to die so whats the difference?
  3. i'm not saying that it WAS a ufo it probably was not but i doubt the government looked into it/cared at all
  4. would the weight of the tether not make that unfeasible? if not why could the laser not be replaced with a fibber optic? that basically rules out autonomous unless a small computer programed to take the craft to what ever "way points" that are set up is "simple and small"
  5. so then they could start bring in the Mexicans before everything grinds to a halt.and not all immigrants are unskilled untrained etc. i assume that some have degrees
  6. my idea for that would be to make a small surface craft that would be programed to stay above the submersible at all times (or near it) with a laser light (not a burning laser) that would pulse the commands to a receiver on the vessel. and the surface vessel could use radio to the controller the vessel does need electronics. so somehow "shielding" them from the pressure would be necessary while a ballast tank is a good idea a brick....is just a brick
  7. but how important are the us citizens to the us? when all that would be needed is to open the border to Mexican immigrants and all that jobs that Americans do would be filled by others. well the citizens of the uk could try to get gun laws there changed.
  8. i just read a blog about the tsa scanners and says that the public conflict with the tsa is Representative of a larger conflict between the government of the us and its people. which has made me wonder are the people of any modern democracy capable of facing there government in actual conflict? the people have the pen to protect there freedom but don't we need the sword in case that the pen fails as it would if the government just decided to bring in the tanks every time the people gave the government trouble? is the statement " no government has any authority to take any action without the consent of the governed." really effective? i'm not saying that there needs to be a revolt but am wondering if there was a real need for there to be a revolt would one be possible?
  9. but there IS energy in that example so therefore unless your talking about the possibly nonexistent negative energy (i have never heard any announcements of its discovery) than the total energy can't be zero
  10. http://www.mypyramid.gov/pyramid/milk_amount_table.html 3 servings recommended for most age groups
  11. would a thicker wire increase the amperage?
  12. i wasn't aware that there was a difference
  13. but it can't be zero (proves it by piking up a book and doping it again). i think that dark matter is just matter that does not emit em radiation
  14. and thats why cookies are good for you you eat cookies and drink milk and get vitamins
  15. because evil sprites are far more a credible explanation than a chemical imbalance and the ability to give a diagnosis is not at fault for increased adhd lvs. ghosts are the culprit
  16. so is 12 servings of vegetables but thats the suggested daily serving
  17. if he is complaining than there is definitely some crazy going on the sane among of us would be delighted. B)
  18. you need to have 3 servings of dairy a day and if you have 3 cookies....
  19. well everyone is but some still forget
  20. How do you feel about spelling and capitalisation? true, my grammar is very poor but at least i can say its not deliberate stupidity whereas my peers cannot. its "capitalization" not "capitalisation" but whats the point of capitalization at all? it really doesn't do much
  21. because no one uses the "abbreviate every word" style or what i call "text speak". if your goal is to save time/effort are you going to learn a whole new vocabulary of text terms? are you going to use terminology that not only takes away from your point but makes you look stupid? no your probably not. and its not worth cutting a few characters if the prise is loosing legibility its also possible that many members do not know the popular slang terms so they can't use them and you should consider weather they can read them when you post.
  22. creationists are funny!!

    1. The Peon

      The Peon

      No, creationists are dangerous.

    2. dragonstar57


      but funny if you don't consider how dangerous their stupidity is and how it's affecting the world

  23. 1. if mater does not exist than would physical entities exist as physical entities. and is it conseviable that anything could exist in a nonphysical form? 2. if our senses were somehow deceiving us or we decided to operate under that assumption than there would be no reason for us to believe anything our senses tell us. 3. i'm fairly sure that most science depends on the existence of matter. but none of this reason to say that mater exists for SURE but i think that it does even if it might be imposable to prove
  24. thank you I was unaware if antimatter's role in beta decay
  25. well everything might not be real but there are are assumptions you need to make or all knowledge breaks down
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