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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. it wouldn't be fair
  2. 1.50$-9$ doesn't seem cheep?
  3. it's quite depressing to think that your dress attire could cause someone you barely know to be raped =(
  4. $_$=:( but $_O=:) all ways keep one eye open

    1. dragonstar57


      haha yeah money isn't everything its just half of everything

    2. dragonstar57


      yeah you use money to buy cool stuff which you rig with c4 so when you die it goes with you into the afterlife :P

    3. dragonstar57


      well what i was saying in originally was that it is to easy to be blinded by the prospect of riches and to start making mistakes. not referring to what happens to your money when you die at all but when you die your money is given to whom ever you leave it to and this might make that person able to make large sums of money and this continues on and if morals are important to that group than they will give a large amount of money to charity or other organisations as well funding cutting-edge r...

  5. but is the price in USD?
  6. i didn't read all of your article and it DID seem OVERLY AGGRESSIVE and a little long but i like it because of this part. i have been saying this for at least 6 years what makes anything so "unnatural" . "unnatural" the very word seems to be an attack on the concept of civilization. and seems to suggest that the way things beater before... something. but your insults and aggression are too strong. I assume that you meant it to sound sarcastic or something but it sounds aggressive and it makes you sound unintelligent . and this part is poorly written and is where i could read no more
  7. when it says $1.50 to $7. they mean USD right? but how can they be that cheep?
  8. what no salt and butter?
  9. without being pinched aren't they supposed to be cleaned?
  10. energy is neither created nor destroyed so it does not very so it is constant why would you think it's zero? how much total energy? a modern physicist would give just about anything to know this. another one is total mass. what prompted big bang? see above and before you ask what was before the big bang. were not sure there was a before.
  11. it does NOT have negative energy OR negative mass as for how its formed i'm not as sure i think it happens in high energy atomic collisions. these collisions cause it to release a electron/positron pair (an electron and an anti-electron)
  12. how do you tell if the crab is alive? it's hibernating so it won't move. and are there pincers held shut? what do you do with the crap when it awakens?
  13. if you have a Remote controlled submersible with no empty space in it will pressure be a problem? is it possible for a hobyiest design to be able to withstand pressures of 681psi?
  14. could you plz look at the chat history for 8:00pm-9:45pm.movember 7th 2010

    I presented an idea and all the other users wanted to do was tell me that my idea would make the great lakes vulnerable to "laser sharks" and when i pointed out that this was unscientific and violated the rules i was banned from the chat!

  15. this site sucks. i'm thinking about closing my account. whenever i want to talk real science i have to endure talk about "laser sharks" and then be kicked form the chat when i point out the unscientific nature of the martial being discussed.

    1. ajb


      Sorry to hear you have not had a positive experience here.

    2. dragonstar57


      its just so frustrating when you have an idea and instead of finding fault with it(which would be helpful) they just tell you that you should die/be killed!

  16. genetic drift in cold/flue viruses
  17. you don't make an array of data you make an array of datum
  18. the steam rises and goes where? it would be beater to have a glass container filled with water and focus the sun on that but i would assume that this has all the problems as any other form of solar
  19. are you trying to push a creationist agenda??
  20. to late someone already won
  21. step 1. build 2 big bombs that would each completely destroy the earth if detonated (not render uninhabitable but destroy the earth ie the earth would no longer be there) 2. hide bomb 1 on earth very well 3 put bomb 2 on another planet tell the world to watch planet where bomb 2 is 4 detonate 5. tell the world you have another bomb on earth and you will destroy them all if they do not do as you say
  22. how is it complicated just control everyones minds or if it doesn't work on that scale than just a few select people that would rule the world but you control their minds
  23. is mind control allowed?
  24. but this contributes to the inaccessibility of science while safety is important it should not make scientists only answer to questions be "you are not a scientist so you are to dumb to...." perhaps tell him to pursue a collage degree in chem where he might get to do this experiment under a professor's supervision so you just decided to get a 0 on the assignment?
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